Saturday, March 20, 2010

11 More Days

Ah, I want to hurry up and leave already. Hawaii is getting extremely boring now cuz after being at the beaches and getting burned like crazy...they don't seem so exciting haha. The downtown here is made up of like 20 buildings, literally, so not much to do there. Everyone here loves to go cliff diving on the weekends, but no point in going for me cuz I can't swim sadly. Hurry up and come China and Japan!!

Anyways, enough complaining. I really am stoked to see what'll happen in China/Japan. When I first saw the members in our team, to tell ya the truth, I was kind of thinking "Uh God, why did you put this group together? It just seems so random." When we had our first outreach prayer time, this week, I thought it'd just be whatever, but it ended up being a really spiritually intense time in my opinion. I was kind of wondering why this was, but then at our second meeting, one of the girls said she was asking God the same question and He said that the one common thing among our group is that we all really value our quiet time with God. Like it's not uncommon for us to just listen to praise songs on MP3 and meditate on God. When I heard that, I looked at the members around the room and it was so true! It was one of those eye opening kind of moments and it seemed more like God hand picked each member in our group to do something amazing on our outreach xD. Now I really can't wait to see what'll happen once we go to China ^^ Too bad I can't write about it while I'm in China, but I'll write a posting about just regular kind of stuff or code it all hehe. I might have to make a new blog just in case though, but I'll write the link on here once I do.

Oh Shin, are there any cultural things we should know about while living in Japan? I don't want to do anything that'll offend people without me knowing I'm doing it. I know I need to bow when I meet people, but is there anything else that's really important?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I haven't had the time to write anything for a while, everything is hectic right now ( actually, I am just about to head out as I'm typing, and being bugged about it, grr)

    I hope I'll get the time to write you some more before you leave, if not expect a long email. Whatever the case, I hope you can put your trust in your believes, do your best, and I'll see you in 2 months, hopefully.
