Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Outreach Rough Draft Timeline!!

So today we had a little meeting with our outreach group and talked about the rough plan of what we're going to be doing in China/Japan xD. Shin, is it ok if you check what bands are playing during my Japan times? hehe. Anywhos, here's the plan:

March 31st - Departure from Kona, Hawaii

April 2nd - Arrival in China (I know, its weird arriving 2 days later, but apparently with the time difference, thats how it works xD Time travelling, here I come ^^)

Apr.24-25 - city: Dallian - lots of coffee shops here and there's a place where they teach english and the government actually allows people to sing english praise songs :O So we'll probably totally take that chance to sing and evangelize.

Apr.25-30 - city: DangDong - (3 hour long bus trip to get there) Join the DTS group there and meet up with Andy Byrd again.

May 1-9 - Potential road trip across the Korean/China border to meet up with the Christian underground house churches.

May 9-19 - city: Beijing - Go to Copeland concert and other religious stuff

May 20-31 - city: ChongChing - Mercy ministry teams (help random people) Intercessory praying and helping out the homeless (poor city).

May 31st - Take the train back to Dallion to take a plane to Japan

June 1-12 - city: Tokyo - House of prayer, join their DTS groups there, and maybe go to the parks and play some praise ^^

June 13/14 - Arrival back into Kona, Hawaii

So that's our really rough schedule for now ^^


  1. I was wondering Shin, if I was to stay a month in Japan with housing costs and food costs and much do you think it'd be around? @.@;

  2. draft?! TIMELINE!? Weee~ Major time loop!!! wait what? No nevermind.

    Kona? that's such a funny name~

    It really seems like you'll be busy...hope you have some time to update your blog once in a while~

  3. Well actually I'm not going to be able to use my blog or facebook while I'm in China ><; They check all the sites that people go to, and if I write anything about Christianity or where our group is, we might get caught and go to jail, so I'll have to do it once I head to Japan.

    Haha, wouldn't it be funny if I ended up in a chinese jail xD

  4. EEEEH!? wait why is that? Is china anti christianity or something? I never heard about this~ I tought there was religion freedom all over the planet (cept for some less developed countries)


    Are you sure you don't wanna try a chinese jail? You know what they say...You gotta try it all before you die. Wouldn't it be awesome~You'd share beds with sweaty, smelly and yuck~y chinese 3rd class criminals! It would be awesome~ Be sure not to let your bath soap fall on the ground!

  5. There's actually a lot of countries that are anti-religious to other religions besides the country's main one. Most people are forced to believe in something and are persecuted if they believe anything else. A good example is the middle east, they all have to believe in Islam or they'll get shot.

    Anywhos, China and North Korea are both communist countries, so if you preach Christianity in either country, then it's against the law and you'll be put in prison (don't think they shoot you right away in China anymore tho). In Kazakhstan (where my dad went) it's a Muslim country (believe in Islam) and if they catch you preaching Christianity, they'll shoot you on the spot o.O;

  6. Sorry J, I didn't get the time to check the blog and etc, but I looked for some hostels for you, in case you do want to stay, and the youth hostels I've found ( that means you get a bed not a room, cheapest housing I could think of unless you'd want to rent an apartment, but in Tokyo, for a month, that would be from ~3000 $ and up) charge around 35$ per night it would still be around 1000$. I personally heard there's cheaper places than that, but I wouldn't send you there.

    Now, food it's a bit hard to estimate because I rarely ever eat out, and I shop for at least two people. But, so you make an idea, the average McDonalds menu here is around 400-500 yen ( 1 dolar = roughly 90 yen) You can basically eat at ramen ya and such places for really cheap lunch and dinner, there's also all you can eat and such places, I can make you a list of places around the area you're gonna stay that should be good.

    I don't know how much you'd travel around too, but in Tokyo it's generally a lot better to travel by subway, you can buy one day passes for around 1600 yen I think ( not sure, haven't used one in ages), but if you don't travel around a lot it's not worth it, if you pay per ride you'll pay roughly 200 yen.

    So, I don't know, you do the math?

  7. Ah this info helps a lot ^^. And dang, they just couldnt make $1 = 100 yen and make the math easy could they >.<: But your Mcdonalds is actually a pretty good price. I thought Japan would be crazy expensive o.o; but guess Canada is just that expensive haha (then again I'm basing this on barely any prices). $35 a night seems pretty good to me though, I could stay there for a lil while by myself if I wanted to haha *has no plane ticket back* x.x;

    Yay, thanx for the help ^^
