Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sore Muscles & Outreach talk

So on Sunday I helped out with the construction work happening to the new prayer room here. It's a LOT bigger than the one they're using now and they said they want to be able to do recording there and air the praise there on radio 24/7 xD. The day before, I went into the prayer room to catch up on readings...and ended up staying there for 5 hours! It was all my decision, wasn't forced or anything...didn't even feel that long cuz I was so into it (reading the Bible and praying) and by the time I went to my room, it was already 8pm o.o; Well on Sunday, a guy from my DTS woke up my roommate telling him that he should help out with the construction cuz they were short on men. I just suddenly felt like I should go and got up right away, got ready, and ended up going.

The whole week before they announced that the people from our DTS could volunteer and help out. There's about 70+ people in our DTS and the amount of people that came was...7 (3 of those were staff) haha. I thought all the leaders would come and help out but none of them came o.O; Even with our small numbers, we surprisingly got a lot done and everyone was really glad cuz we surpassed the quota for the day.

After that I ended up playing a few hours of basketball and looked like I just got out of the shower haha. My hair was so soaked, and cuz I haven't cut my hair yet since I got here, it looked pretty nasty xD. I'm debating if I should just shave it in China, or let it grow LONG and get a Japanese haircut in Japan (even tho it'll probably be PRICEY). My right ankle was so sore cuz I sprained it the week before and just put it through a lot of physical work, but even still, I decided to walk to Dennys which is a 15 min. walk with a hill at the end ><; To top it all off, it was raining when I walked haha.

Well now my body is aching and so sore >.<; But eh, it was fun, so it's all good xD. At Dennys I met a group of YWAMers that just came back from their outreach trip. One guy told me he got really sick and had to go to the hospital twice when he went to Rwanda, Africa. The doctors said they found an amoeba in his digestive system which cased him to diarrhea like crazy and such, and by the end of it, he said he lost 20 pounds :O!

While talking with them, I asked if they experienced anything crazy on outreach (cuz I always here about stories about people being demon possessed, or healing the sick) but they all were like "Umm....hmm...no not really" which kind of disappointed me in a way cuz I was thinking "If we're paying almost $5000 to go on our outreach, we better see something exciting" haha. Seemed like one of the highlights of some of their trips was like...texting people from other outreaches saying they're in prison (when they weren't) and finding out that some monkeys have blue balls >.>; They also told me not to have any expectations before going.....which made me think "What the heck, I had such high expectations...the heck?" So now I don't know what to expect or if this is pretty much just going to be a "trip" more than a mission. I'm really hoping it's not going to be and that their missions just sucked and that there's something more in store for our team, but I guess it's up to God. I don't really want to go back to Canada and have no stories to tell and come back the same and disappointed cuz that'll just seem like I wasted my time and my parent's money here.

Well anyways, I'm just going to go with high expectations anyways and just say "screw it, ours will be better >=O!"

Well on a different note, I went to Wal-mart with some friends and we all went on the scales to see if we lost or gained weight since coming here. This was the first time I weighed myself since I came to Kona, so I was kinda shocked at the result. When I first came here, I gained a bunch of weight and was 175 pounds (79.4 kgs), but now I'm apparently 164 pounds (74.4 kgs). What the heck, I lost 11 pounds :O!! I didn't really notice it cuz my hair makes my face look bigger, but my friends were like "Whoa! You totally don't look that light" which made me say "Wah? Are you saying I look fat? o.O" haha jk. Ya, so I bought a bunch of cup Ramen/Ramyun and some drinks to help me gain some weight, cuz I'm guessing in Asia I'm going to lose more weight (either from sickness or lack of eating). I'm hoping to hit at least 170 before I leave, so wish me luck.

Well I gotta go now, so see ya all later. Please keep praying for me seeing that I'm going to be leaving really soon, so a lil spiritual boost would be nice xD haha. God bless you all~


  1. But sore muscles are great Jay! Means your working`em out~! I miss that feeling !

    From last summer to now...that is 9 months, I lost 29 kgs (63,8 lbs ? ) . So now i weight 156 lbs, whoa , I actually lost alot of weight... I wonder how much does kitte-nii weights tho...

    Oh anyway, I miss you guys...Can`t wait for summer vacations , so we can all be far but together~!

  2. WHOA, You lost 63.8 pounds? You were that big? haha. Dang, lil chubby Fade xD haha. But congrats on losing all that weight, must feel a lot better now physically, like so much lighter.

    Don't be trying to lose any more than you have though, at your height, your weight's pretty good. How'd you lose all weight by the way?

  3. 1st. Fuck you, call me little chubby fade again, and I'll take your head off.

    secondly~ Hmm i just worked out alot...that and was really reallly careful with what to eat, so yeah, no chocolate or sweets for a good while~

  4. Oi, don't be swearing on my blog, but guess I hit a soft spot *grins* haha. But man, life without sweets and junk food? How'd you survive? Didn't you totally crave it?

  5. Congrats gaki-chan, seems your ahead on the race for the beach body. I weight 52kg right now...that's less than double what you lost w but I have no intention of working out, so it's ok. ( Hey, cats are supposed to be lazy, right?).

    J, about what you said about your high expectations. I think it might be that, if you really are supposed to walk this path, something extraordinary will happen either way, but if not, perhaps nothing happening would be a sign you're not walking the right path for you.

    Of course I don't mean giving up praising and the church, I mean perhaps taking into consideration your other options too.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. AH! no way!! where did everything i wrote went to!?
    AAAH here i go again!
    To jay: Well not really...I'd just think (add a creepy voice and a creepy accent) "do you really need that? Do you really neeeed that? Think about it, the more you eat, the less there will be, right? right? Soooo if you eat too much there will be none soon! When there is none, people buy more! That means! More fat! Less Money!! Do you really need that ? Do you really neeeeeed that? Go workout! then you can have an apple!"
    And keep hiting my soft spot, and I'll crush your soft spot, if you know what i mean by that~

    To kitte-nii: Hmm So I lost half of your weight...that's like..being pregment of half of kitte-nii...eeeh~creepy! Anyway, there's really no need for you to workout right? 52kg is good for your height right? i mean how tall are you? 1,55-1.70 ? So be lazy all that you want!

  8. hahah, His weight is good for his height? I dun think so >=D. More like he needs to get chicken pumped into his veins so that he won't break in half :O haha jk jk. No alcohol/coffee, now eat some meat haha *gets table thrown at himself* *J dodges*

    But ya, I guess I can live without junk food and candy, but never without meat. My body starts to break down if i don't get meat x.x;

  9. Oi! I'm around 1.73-1.75 not 1.55 *twitch*. And J, it's all a matter of perspective, maybe I'm not skinny, maybe you're fat?

    I actually managed to cut down on coffee, I only drink it in the morning now. Replaced it with tea ( which strangely made me lose weight)

  10. Ya, I laughed when I read Fade's guess haha. I'm fat? Never :O! Well maybe I gots some fat in my face, but oh wells. Not overweight at least ^^.

    Yay, less coffee~ But ya, I heard that drinking tea actually helps you lose weight some how. Like people who want to lose weight start drinking green tea. Dunno how it works, but I love tea xD. Can't wait to drink authentic green tea in Japan ^^.

  11. ah! you're a bit taller than i tought haha~! sorry bout that...
    WAIT you really are skiny..jay's right, you need some skinny!! and don't give me prespective, eat cereals!

  12. He needs some skinny? I think he needs the opposite, fat o.o; He needs to eat some nice greasy, juicy steak xD

  13. AH! i meant he needs more chicken!!!
