Sunday, March 28, 2010

Departure of friends

So yesterday me and 4 others went out to BubbaGump restaurant. If you've seen the movie "Forrest Gump" then you know what I'm talking about. It's a Seafood (mostly shrimp) restaurant and we ordered A LOT. One of us was going to be going back to California, so it was a lil goodbye party. Check facebook for some pictures (get a facebook shin!).

We then went to the farmer's market and the girl who was leaving got a Henna tattoo (non-permanent tattoo) of the Chinese letter for peace. We then met up with a man who works there that we met on our community outreach. I said hi and when I said his name, he was kind of shocked because he said his name is really hard to remember and barely anyone remembers his name's Sanzo. He was a really nice man and tried to give us a $5 bag of macadamia nuts for free, but I insisted to pay, so he told us to meet him again when we come back ^^.

When we got back, it was leaving time for my friend and also a DTS group with 2 of my roommates. Kind of sad, but it's all good, just gotta wait 2 and a half months to see them again. I'm really looking forward to hearing their stories cuz this DTS was totally on fire this whole past week, so should be interesting xD.

But all of them leaving is making me realize how soon all of us are going to be split up around the world. Just 3 days left...and I'll be on a plane off to China, away from most of the people I met here and also with no contact (maybe) with everyone back at home.

I just gotta be strong and remember to do my best on the mission trip so that I have some awesome testimonies to tell them all about my journey in China ^^ Seemed like forever to get to this last week, but now that I'm living it, it seems so fast hahah How ironic.

Well see ya all later ^^ God bless~


  1. Trust me when I say I know exactly what you mean/ feel, minus the Christian part of the experience. Leaving for the unknown like that takes a lot of courage and determination, if nothing else I think you would have matured a lot by the time you'll be back.

    Just make sure to always keep a fine balance between who you are and who you want to become.

    Either way, I'm a bit worried, but hey I'm a professional worrier you should know, w. I'll make it a point to pray for you, when I can. I hope that despite the difference in culture the sincere concern will still be of some help to you while there.

    Stay safe

  2. Ya, makes me not want to live here actually because meeting awesome people for 3 months, then them leaving...but every semester would be crazy hard @.@; Especially if you never end up seeing them again >.<; Would kind of make you not want to get too close cuz you know it won't last in the end. How sad >.<; I can actually see it in a lot of permanent staff or kids here.

    Even if I became a missionary, a pastor, world famous guitarist, music producer, etc. I'd still be me in the end cuz I dunno if I know how to be super cocky for long periods of time haha. Don't worry, I won't get any Kami-sama complexes hehe.

    Better not be worrying about me, you got enough to worry about! Wait, that sounded worse than what I meant it to be >.<; Don't worry *period*

    I've always been a super lucky guy all my life, so don't have to worry about me xD. I always feel like I'm protected by God, so nothing can really get at me hehe.

    But thanx for praying for me ^^ You could try praying to my God if you're busy cuz you can pray anywhere if you do hehe. Just gotta say "Dear Lord.." and say anything after that. Well dun even need to say that, but ya.

    2 more days till China xD
