Monday, March 22, 2010


One of the guys in my China team is actually doing his DTS a second time because he couldn't complete it the first time cuz of some stuff he had to sort out back at home. Anyways, he said that before everyone leaves, there's usually a lot of oppression from the enemy/Satan. I also heard that if Satan knows you're going to do something big or significant, then he'll do everything he can to scare you away from it, make you physically ill, etc. so that you can't.

From what I can see so far, some people are going back home because they're not ready apparently. I know of 2 people that are going home and one of them is a guy in my outreach (he actually left today). I was kind of surprised because I thought he was actually growing as a Christian, but he said he had to go back home to sort some things out before coming back to complete his DTS. So now our outreach group is down to 11 people ><;

There are still a bunch of people who need outreach money, one being my roommate. I really hope he goes on mission because he's changed a lot since he's come here, so would be great to see him come back and tell of all the stuff he saw and did. I'm really lucky and never really had to worry about money at all, so I can't imagine how hard it must be for the ones who still need their outreach money. They have no clue where the money's going to come from cuz their families aren't that rich, and they need like $2000+ in 1 week.

Lately and especially today, I feel like I'm being attacked more in a spiritual aspect. To those who dunno or don't believe in the spiritual realm, this will sound weird to you. Anyways, I don't really know how to explain it cuz I don't really understand it that well. Recently I've been feeling the Holy spirit inside of me a lot more constantly (like that feeling you get when you're really into praise, to those who've felt it in church). Like the feeling never really leaves me these days, which is very different than what I'm used to. Anyways, the attacking aspect tho, is that now that I can feel that, it feels like I'm more sensitive to the not so good spirits as well o.O; Like today I woke up and it felt like I didn't sleep at all even though I slept in. Right away I noticed this really weird bad feeling inside that wouldn't go away x.x; I was totally disengaged in worship in the morning which is really rare, but after hearing the teaching in class it got a bit better. I just figure I gotta deal with all my issues here in Hawaii before I go to mission or else it'll come up there and get worse. I guess I'll be praying a lot more and fasting a bit ><;

Well I'm just going to trust that I'll overcome it soon and be able to do great on mission. I think I need some prayers @.@;

Anyways, awkward place to end, but see ya all later. God bless~


  1. That's not so good to hear! But you also know that whatever Satan is doing to you, God is allowing it. If God didn't want you to be attacked by satan, He would stop satan in his tracks. So take it as a test from God. Obviously, if you're feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit with you at all times, it's going to be easy to get through the outreach. But God needs to test to see if you can make it through although it feels as though God is distant.

    Just know God IS always with you even though He's making it seem like He's not. Just trust in what He's allowing to happen and that He's still there not just at the end of the tunnel but through it all as well.

    I can definitely see it getting worse for you spiritually because you've always been one to trust in God at all times. And satan has tested even Jesus and so he will also try to break you.

  2. Pretty much take it as satan feels threatened by what you will do during the outreach.

  3. Thanx a lot Robert ^^. Actually that's exactly how I'm taking it "take it as satan feels threatened by what you will do during the outreach." Feel threatened Satan!! haha.

    Ya, I'm doing a lot better now ^^ I went to the prayer room and this DTS that I get along with was there and they were getting totally blown away by the Holy Spirit haha. Like half the class was drunk in the spirit and getting hit by spiritual laughter. I always thought spiritual laughter was like "what the heck o.O;" but after witnessing it, it's totally all good xD

    Yea yea, God is good ^^

  4. Yeah I was scared the first time I heard spiritual Laughter.. But it's all good..
