Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Last day in Hawaii before China/Japan


I'll be leaving at 4:30am tomorrow morning, but most likely won't sleep or I'd probably wake up late ><; Just gunna stay up all night and count down the hours haha.

We'll be stopping off in Japan first from 1pm-9:30am the next day, so we'll be staying at a hotel nearby the airport. We're thinking of going and exploring a little bit in Tokyo and buying a meal there ^^.

It's one of my many goals in life to go to Japan, so I guess I can finally check this one off my list ^^. Some other random ones I can think of is....
-Go to Australia and visit the Hillsong church
-Go to Texas and visit the Lakewood church
-Go to Korea and visit 5 of the biggest churches in the world
-Go to Egypt and explore the pyramids, and try to climb up one
-Go to Rome and see the Colosseum and eat real pasta
-Eat dog meat and other weird animals (might get to check this one off in China)
-Own a professional level guitar
-Have my first new hairstyle
-Create a band and record a CD
-Have an open vision from God
-Perform a miracle
-Get married
-Etc etc etc

Anyways, this marks a huge milestone in my life because I'm going to be going confidently and without fear into a place that should be feared haha. I'm just going to trust that God loves me enough to keep me safe, cuz He's already been good enough to give me the opportunity to live in Hawaii for 3 months, and then go to Japan and China! What a good God my God is xD. So glad I'm on His side haha.

Anyways, none of you will see me (most likely) for 2 months, so keep praying for me and wishing me luck xD. I'll contact everyone when I can and give an update when I can ^^.

I wish you all the best and I love you all ^^ God bless ya~

1 comment:

  1. what can I say, the exciting part is only starting for you. Though, I wish there wasn't any need to have to worry 2 months for you, but China is still a lot better than other places you could have went to.

    However, whatever weird stuff you eat in China, please do post a warning if you ever write about it w.

    Just make sure you at least write an email if you can't make a new blog ( also I suggest if you do make a new blog, send us the links by email and not here, just to be safe).

    Anyways, are you going to go to Tokyo and not Narita after all? Make sure you manage your time right, don't want to lose your plane.

    It takes you around 1 and 1/2 h to get from Narita to Tokyo if you go by JR kaisoku ( rapid train) and it costs around 10 $ I think or take the express for triple that price but get there in 50 minutes but you need to make a reservation. You can also take the Keisei Skyliner for about 20$.

    Now the good part is that Tokyo station is in Marunouchi which is the very center of Tokyo so if you do take the time, you won't have to walk around too much to see interesting stuff.

    Man I actually started writing this well over an hour ago, but got distracted. Truth is because i haven't slept or eaten too well, when I sat up from my chair abruptly I ended up straight on my ass, so I was forced to eat.

    Well question still stands, when will you be on MSN?
