Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Ooo lucky day for my readers cuz I'm making up for not writing and am writing my 3rd entry today, yay ^^. So on Saturday...I think it was...me and a few friends decided to go to the beach, so we were all waiting by the flags when this guy from the biblical school of teaching and preaching came up and asked if we wanted to get a ride to a NICE beach. Of course we said yes, and luckily he had a convertible so we got to ride total Hawaiian vacation style with the top down xD.

After 40 min of driving we entered this expensive looking hotel place with a road block thingy at the front. They asked us if we had reservations, and the guy we were with said we were just going to book into the hotel there, so the guy let us in. He was all like "Hahah, I took one for the team" in his awesome British accent hehe. So we valeted the car and walked through the hotel to the beach and it was SOOOOO beautiful :O! Totally looked like something you'd see in the movies o.o;

The beach was all nice sand, there were lawn chairs in several rows on the beach, a pool for those who didn't want to get salt on them, towels that you could use, and to top it all off, those round beach bars you see in the movies xD. Totally felt like a celebrity at that moment haha. We ended up playing in the waves and we went way out (water was only up to my chest though) and the water would all suck out till it was waist level, then BAM 7-8 foot wave rushing at us :O! It was so fun, but I think I bent my glasses a little from the impact of the waves (I took them off every time I wave hit me cuz I didn't want my glasses to wash away).

I finally remembered why I wanted to come here...the beautiful beach and waves...ah~ so nice ^^. The water was perfect temperature too, I so want to go back there hehe. Ok, I'll stop rubbing it in now and shush haha.

After staying there for 3 hours, we headed back to the university. This was actually one of the first times in my life that I actually burned my shoulders x.x; I didn't realize it, and right when I went into the shower, my skin started to burn all over @.@;; I have a few mosquito bites, and I would forget about the burns and scratch and then cringe in pain ><; It's a lot better now, but before my shoulders would always feel like they're on fire, especially when my shirt would rub against it. The next day I was like "the sun is my enemy (*.*)" and stayed in the shade all day haha.

Well I still need to go snorkeling, one thing I NEED to do in Hawaii and see all the colorful fish ^^. I'm going to go now, so God bless everyone~


  1. *pokes* Excuse me Mister J~, I do read your bloggity blog but there are plenty reasons why I don't comment! 1) Your page always errors/won't load when I want to comment/read your bloggity blog. 2) I don't know what to say, I'm quite pre-occupied thinking about other matters. 3) The video game post scared me off u_u'. So bleh!

    So... referring to this post... Does that mean you guys LIED to get into the beach? o-o' That doesn't sound very nice... u_u’ But I guess it’s good that you got to a safe beach. Heh, maybe that’s why you got badly sunburned xD I hope you’ve learnt your lesson! (I bet you’re ignoring that) Chea, next time put on some sunscreen. Eh, I’ve run out of stuffh to say. Have fun and Take care.

  2. AH! My page just errored trying to comment to you @.@; I said I usually copy and paste it into "notebook" in case that happens, and then I totally forgot, clicked "Post comment" and then realized in horror >.<; But whenever I write a long comment to Shin, it ALWAYS happens and then I gotta debate with myself if it's worth commenting again haha.

    If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always chat with me ^^. I knew the video game posting would stir up some emotions >=D hehehe.

    Ya, the driver did lie, but we didn't know he would until he actually did it, so we're innocent >.<; I heard if you stay in the water too long, your skin gets burned easily...but the waves were just too fun haha. I think I might actually, for the first time in my life, put on sun screen @.@; But we'll see.

    Hope you're doing well ^^

  3. Yeah don't jump into conclusions!! Poor mimi and kitte-nii they must be having a rough time!
    I think jay fell inlove with the "awesome british accent" fufufufu~
    But why don't you take your glasses off when you go to the water? That's what i always do~Think about it! You might lose them on the sea!
    But damn~that's just awesome~I'm so envious! Cause i wanted lots of sun and beach too!! On the bright side~Soon winter (summer for you) will be over! And I'll be on vacations! and I'll be all over the beaches HAHAHAHA~
    Still Really seems like your having fun! keep it up!
