Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tsunami Alert

So we all got woken up at 6am from a siren blazing in our ears. Apparently Chile had an 8.8 earthquake, so Hawaii is on a Tsunami alert. just went off again o.o; I'm guessing it's going to be like impossible to sleep now cuz they're probably going to ring the sirens every hour for like 10-30min. It's crazy annoying cuz its surprisingly loud. Gah, right when I wanted to sleep in too x.x;

I heard Japan also had a 6.9 earthquake, so I hope they're all doing fine. Haven't seen any pictures of the earthquake damage in either city, so dunno the destruction damages yet.

I totally want to go to the beach and videotape the tsunami, just gotta make sure to wake up. It should hit Hawaii at 11:19am xD. How amazing would it be to see a tsunami upclose? xD Going to be so awesome~!


  1. Oi, do take care. Don't do anything rash please, tsunami can be dangerous, even the small ones.

    Do you know how big it will be? The news here say the Chie one was roughly 2.5 meters

  2. Btw, don't worry about Japan, it was in Okinawa, and nothing really happened, I'm surprised they made it into international news.

  3. Ah, the tsunami is going to hit the opposite side of the island so I dont get to film it T.T; So sad haha. The university we're at is on higher elevation, so nothing should happen to us at all. Have no clue how big it'll be, but I don't feel worried at all.

    The Japan one probably made it to the news cuz it happened on the same day, and they had to make sure there weren't 2 tsunamis coming, or else that might totally suck for a few countries.

  4. =o Glad to know you're safe, the both of you. Pity you couldn't practice your video camera skills J ^^. Isn't this all scary~ It's a sign! Super glad to hear you're sfe and sound Shin~ Isn't Japan still on the tsunami watch though? (From the Chile wave that's heading our direction)
    Lucky for Fade, he can still work on his beach body without the thought of being drowned or squashed. But glad to know everyone in ToA is OK =D

    Even my area is freaking out abit.Due to the Chile earthquake we're getting heaps of rain and higher waves. There's even a threat of flooding. I wonder if I have school tomorrow... Eh~ Let's just hope the fish survive <3

    *pokes* About your guitar dilemma? Watch K-On and think of ToA... Maybe that might help you? (After watching it, I was so motivated to practice my keyboarding...And obviously the first thing that came to mind was "Whoa... what if ToA did start a band together... Would it be like this?...>=3 Let's go to Budokan~!) Lol. Either way, just do what makes you happy =P

  5. I know, what is this? Natural disasters trying to kill ToA? Well we showed them *raises an asian V with fingers for victory*

    I'll check out K-On, wouldn't mind getting some more inspiration ^^. Ah, a ToA band would be awesome xD. Shin, start writing some lyrics and I can add a rhythm thingy and the rest can work on adding the extras hehe. How awesome would that be xD.

    Budokan here we come! Go go fighting spirit~! haha.
