Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Original Design

So this speaker from Seattle came in Kona, Hawaii and is teaching us for the whole week, and it's been crazy intense, but I'll talk about it in my next blog. Anyways, he brought with him some prayer groups who are trained in prophesying people's original design from God. They said that everyone has a spiritual DNA created by God, so they ask God for people's original design, and also things keeping us away from acting out that original design. It's amazing how accurate they are, but I guess if its from God, it should be haha.

Well here's my original design:
1) One of the 2 people praying for me said that she saw a picture of me taking something apart in my hands looking at it to understand it, and then putting it back together. She said it meant that most people look at the big picture, but I look at the smaller things, try to understand how they make up the bigger picture and work towards it. So they said I'm a problem solver which is really beneficial in the church.

2) The guy in the group said that he saw an image of someone holding a pot with a crack in it. Whenever God would pour in blessings, they would spill out of the crack, so in the image I took the pot, broke it on the ground, and then gave them a new pot. He said this meant that I would crush poverty over people's lives, providing where there is no provision. Also it meant crushing a poverty spirit over people, people who have a victim mentality; I'd set them free. I asked my mission leader what this meant and he said that I would correct people's thinking who only worry about money issues that may be keeping them from experiencing everything God has to offer them.

3) The woman said she also saw that whenever God would give me a direction, I would say "YES" right away and follow in submissive obedience to the Lord. Submissive, not in a bad way, but more like a total obedience to his word. However, leaders in the church may see this and abuse it though, expecting me to say "yes" without necessarily considering my heart. I can totally relate to that already haha.

4) She also said I was a man of conviction. That I have an unwavering belief once I've set my mind on the truth. It doesn't matter what others say, I'm more single focused rather than easily misdirected. My roots are firmly planted in the truth so to say.

5) Haha, this is an awesome one xD The guy said he saw an image of me being a big warrior of God and that I was carrying this HUGE sword with words inscribed in it. One one side the sword said "WARRIOR" and on the other side, "JUSTICE" ^^. He said that I'm a defender of the throne/justice and my spiritual DNA is to defend God's Glory. He said that I could probably see this when people say something bad about God, it stirs something up inside of me which I can totally see.

The 1st, 3rd, and 4th ones, I know, totally apply now and as I was growing up, but the 2nd and 5th ones I see more as things that I'll have to obtain and carry out in the future.

They also told me the things that have kept me back from acting out my original design.

1) Insecurity
2) Fear
3) Doubt (but not in God or what he can do, but self doubt in myself and in my abilities)
-inwardly directed doubt. I believe all these wonderful things can happen to other people, but have trouble believing they can happen to me as well. But, they said that "God has given you all you need to do His work"

They said my insecurities could make a sort of barrier from receiving God's love, and because of it, faith has become a striving process to earn His love. They said breakthrough from this barrier will revolutionize my relationship with God. Also that I have to believe that "I am good enough".

The woman felt that the means to breaking through this barrier is to act upon the opposite spirit. This means that if I feel likeGod is telling me to tell someone something, instead of being passive and not saying a certain thing to someone, I should instead do the opposite and talk to them. She said this is breakthrough with obedience to any word from God. Whatever I kept saying no to before, I now have to say yes to and then I'll break out of this barrier.

The last thing she said was that I have a fear of making mistakes. This could have been passed on from overprotective leaderships in my life not encouraging me or saying I should of done better. I can totally relate to this and can also see it in my siblings a bit. I need to learn how to fail or make a mistake and accept it. What we do is good enough for God, and He can still use it, so we shouldn't regret over what we just did. They preach that regret is from the devil and causes us to think we're not good enough when in reality, God still loves us the same and could care less if you made one little mistake, He's bigger than all that and can still use it for good. I totally see this after I do praise team worship or teach Bible study, I tend to beat myself up a bit inside if I make a mistake on guitar, and it then causes me to lose my focus, so I got a lot of learning to do in accepting my failures. They said I have to remember that its who I am, not what I do that makes others and God love me.

Ok, well I kind of put myself out there by showing you all my faults, but hope you all love me still haha. This experience has been pretty eye opening not just to my original design and faults, but also to how amazing God's gift of prophecy to man is. I've never met these people before, and just by listening to the voice of God, they knew everything about me o.o; It's the same with everyone else I asked, its so awesome xD. Well anyways, I guess I'll write another post, so God bless.


  1. It seriously makes me wonder what this people would have to say about non-Christians or non-believers though. I'm not sure I'd want to hear what my spiritual DNA is w.

    What with probably being the worst kind of sinner by some standards.

    But you know how I think everyone should fallow their own path in life, and if it feels right, it's definetly RIGHT for you. Whoever made us, we're really a brilliant creation, so most often than not its our impulses that guide us the best ( well I mean natural impulses here). All in all what I am trying to say is that I'm happy to see you're making the best of this experience.

    It's a bit strange to try to relate to everything you write of course, but in essence we all share the same beliefs so it's just a matter of being able to switch your perspective a bit.

  2. AH, I just wrote a long thing and it didn't post x.x;

    Anyways, we believe that everyone has an original design, not just Christians. Its more like characteristics that make you who you are if you reach your full potential kind of thing. Once you become a Christian and figure it out, then you can live it out.

    Satan however hates people's original design (spiritual DNA) and therefore does everything he can to cause people to never reach it.

    An example of this would be mine being a Warrior. He could of caused some things to happen which would make it easier to twist my mindset and believe lies like "I'm not good enough", "I shouldn't speak up because people will think I'm weird", etc. which will then in turn cause insecurities, fear of rejection, and doubts in myself. If you notice, all of these are the complete opposite of what a warrior is, so if I continued to believe in these lies, then I would never reach my full potential.

    Spiritual DNA doesn't cause you to sin, cuz everyone sins, it's how we were originally made to be. Sin is labeled as anything against God's will, so sin is a choice we make in the end, not something that's a part of us.
