Monday, February 22, 2010

Misinterpreted Christianity

So the new speaker for this week just totally blew everyone's mind away. This post will be more for those that are part of a church, so for everyone else, sorry if this makes no sense to you, but feel free to read it anyways to learn about proper Christian theology. This guy is the founder of a famous Christian prophetic school, named Morning Star, and is teaching us all about a lot of misconceptions within the church. I'll upload his drawings from the whiteboard onto Facebook so it'll make more sense.

The first misconception lies in the fact that we as the church believe we need to "Make ourselves Holy" (get rid of all the bad stuff) and then have a relationship with God and pray to Him so that he can, in turn, bring revival unto the Earth and change it. Here is the problem though; we focus so much on trying to cleanse ourselves that we don't pay any mind to the world. BUT, according to the Bible, it is not our job to make ourselves holy. It says in scripture that God is the one that makes us holy, so that we may go into the world and change it. We are the ones that are supposed to bring revival into the world, we're not supposed to just pray and wait on the sidelines and be passive. We have to stop focusing on ourselves and start reaching out to others, how God intended us to.

He also said that what we end up doing as Christians is taking people out of the world, and bringing them into the church to be saved. We believe that if we bring enough people into the church, and if we're bigger than the world, then we somehow win. However Jesus called us to be the salt and light IN the world, not apart from it. Here's an example that may arise from taking people out of the world. Say there is a guy who's always been fixated on money, and he's a very amazing banker. Once he gets saved, people say he needs to give it up and do ministry because ministry is only being a pastor or missionary, and money is evil. This man ends up becoming an unsuccessful pastor and because he's still so fixated on money, scandals start to arise within the church. His calling was not to become a pastor, but it was to work with money because God gave him a passion for it. A question that was asked was, why cannot Christians be in high business, government, etc positions and make a difference in the world in that way? God calls us to be many different things, money is not evil, it's man that makes it evil.

We take people out of the world because of one major thing, Fear. Afraid that what God has gifted us with will turn into some kind of idol for us. An example he used is that in the 1970s, a young man decided that he wanted to become a golfer, and his name was Tiger Woods. At the same time, another young man who was born in a Christian family made the same decision and played golf all the time and won awards for it. Along the way, his youth pastor and Christian friends started to get afraid, and told him that he might be making golf an idol. Growing up, he kept getting afraid and having the thoughts of "Am I really? Am I not?" and ended up giving up golf in the end and becoming a pastor of a small 100 person church, while Tiger Woods became a professional golfer. Now, young people look up to a publically announced Buddhist, serial adulterer, etc. instead of a man who puts his trust in God and was blessed with such a great gift.

As Christians, why are we so afraid that we're going to become arrogant and put off God's blessings for us? God does not call us all to be poor and have no fun, he calls us to enjoy life. The Christian principles are Hard work and Self-denial = blessings (abundance/cash), yet we give up great opportunities that God gives us because we're afraid that we're not good enough, that we don't deserve it, that we'll get arrogant, etc. and settle for less instead. God wants us to enjoy his creation and blessings! When we take all the Christians out of the financial sphere, all that's left are greedy people who view money in the wrong way. Then when it collapses, we say "we prophisized that it would hapoen. See, we were right" without realizing the fact that it's our fault that it happened in the first place. I know this seems harsh, but think about the change we could make if we used God's gifts he gave us and used them for good. If God raised us to be leaders in the world, we did not get afraid, yet embraced it, and lead with a Christian foundation. The difference would be huge! Ministry does not only mean becoming Pastors, teachers, missionaries, etc. It applies to every Christian, no matter what type of job they may have. We are to be shining lights in this dark world, not be totally separated from it.

Another misconception is the idea that if we see the face of God, we'll die. Now this theology doesn’t make sense because we know that one man saw the face of God all the time, Moses. It says in the Bible that he would talk to God face to face just like a friend. But then people pull out the scripture where Moses asks to see the Glory of God, but God says, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live." Notice that it doesn’t say that if he saw His face, he would die. That’s a very important part to take note of in this scripture. Now here’s the thing, the word “live” in its original Hebrew context actually means something on the lines of “to not be the same as you were before.” So this passage actually doesn’t mean that if you see the face of God that you will die, it means that once you see the face of God, you can’t help but change and be totally transformed! We don’t need to be scared of God or getting too close to God because He is a God of love and will totally radically change us. When Moses was about to die, it says his eyesight did not worsen and he still had the same vigor as before. People believe that because he saw God’s face for 80 days on the mountain, that his body stopped decaying (growing old) and that God himself had to actually kill him or else he would of continued living. It says in the Bible that he died according to the word of God. In the book of Jude, it says that the angel Michael and Satan fought over Moses’ body because Satan wanted to reveal Moses’ body to the Israelites and show that his body would not decay even after his death and have them worship him as an idol. This is a total different take on seeing the face of God haha. Not only do we not die, but our very being changes and does almost the opposite o.o;. Satan lies to us because he doesn’t want us to seek the face of God, so he creates theology to confuse people about the scriptures, and make them afraid of such a loving God, or blame him for our own/others consequences. We do not need to be afraid of God ^^.

Many people have the question, “Why did God put Satan into the Garden of Eden?” This is a misconception though. This is actually my favourite one that he talked about hehe. The world was not perfect when Adam and Eve entered the world. It was good when God created it, but some time before the creation of humans, Satan was banished from Heaven and was sent to the Earth. Satan then took dominion over it and caused it to be messed up. To take back the Earth and to also get rid of Satan, God created the Garden of Eden and put man in it. Now the Garden of Eden WAS perfect, but the difference is that God put it into a fallen world to take it back and redeem it. When man was created, God told him to redeem and subdue it. If the world WAS perfect, there would be no reason to redeem or subdue, but would only make sense if the world wasn’t perfect. It was like God was telling man and women to take the perfectness of the garden and bring it to the rest of the world until the whole world was like the garden. When Jesus gave his disciples the Great Commission, it wasn’t a new thing, but he was bringing back an old concept for the restoration of God’s original intention! So to sum it all up, God did not put Satan into the garden, he put the garden in Satan’s territory so that man could redeem/subdue it.

This is the last thing I’m going to talk about. A lot of us have trouble imagining how powerful God is. We don’t realize just how big and amazing He really is. But think about this, God did not muster up all His strength to create light, it was not an exhausting thing for Him to do. All he did was give PERMISSION for light to be made and BAM light was created! He did the same with the rest of creation except for us. For us, it wasn’t enough to just sit by and watch us be created, but got down and formed us, and then if that wasn’t enough, he came face to face (which is the most intimate position) and breathed life into us. He took the natural man, breathed his spirit into us, and made us supernatural. Now this is a hard concept for many Christians to accept because we think we can’t possibly be good enough, we see our failures, etc. But God takes unqualified people and makes them successful. Think about the greatest king in History, David. He was just a little kid when he killed Goliath, a 9 foot experienced warrior of the Philistines. He was nowhere near qualified to kill such a mighty warrior, but God can do such amazing things even with unqualified people.

The speaker was telling us that God gave him many prophetic revelations from different people that his daughter is a sign of what the future generation will be like. She is 4 foot 9 and around 75 pounds, but she’s an amazing athlete. In grade 6, she was on the varsity track and field team for highschool (they let her on the team even though she wasn’t in highschool) and came in 2nd place. She was also on the highschool varsity soccer team and was their team’s star player! Grade 12 girls all looked up to her because she was such an amazing athlete. She was a sign that the generations won’t be qualified, but God will do amazing things through them to show the world just how amazing He is. We’ve got to question; do we ever feel qualified to do the works of God? No, but God will still do miracles through us, heal the sick, etc etc. He uses the unqualified to succeed if they are willing.

I’m learning a lot through everything this speaker is sharing with us, and when I get the recordings, I’ll for sure try to post them online so everyone can hear them ^^. I dunno if I explained any of this that well, but hopefully you all got something out of it xD. I gotta go now, God bless~.

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