Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More about Spiritual Gifts

So today we learned about the 9 main spiritual gifts that it talks about in the Bible. I'll list them here with a brief explanation of each:

Seeing Gifts
1) Wisdom (not just regular human wisdom, but wisdom from God to discern the future. An example of this would be if someone asked you for advice and you somehow knew exactly what to tell them and knowing the outcome when there's no way you could know. Hard to explain x.x;)
2) Knowledge (Again, not human knowledge, but knowing things that you normally wouldn't know. An example of this would be to know someone's past you just met when you've never talked to them before.)
3) Discerning of Spirits (Being really sensitive to the spirits, such as the spirit of depression, lust, but also the good ones such as the spirit of joy, love, etc. You can tell when they are upon someone and are inflicting them or helping them etc.)

Doing Gifts
4) Faith (not regular faith, but supernatural faith where you suddenly have no fear and do things that you would normally wouldn't do. Also hard to explain x.x;)
5) Healing (pretty self explanatory, instantly healing people from diseases, illnesses, etc)
6) Miracles (doing things that may go against nature or other things, such as multiplying food to feed a multitude of people, doing things that are impossible usually, etc.)

Hearing Gifts
7) Prophecy (being able to know the future and sharing it with others to glorify God)
8) Speaking in tongues (speaking in a language you cannot understand but your spirit intercedes directly to God)
9) Interpretation of tongues (understanding when people speak in tongues and interpret it to tell people what God wants them to know)

So anyways, to be able to use them, you need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. That’s more just like praying to let the Holy Spirit take control of your life and such and such. If you wants to know more about it, just ask cuz that’s a lotta information I’m too lazy to type haha. Well we were told to pray for whichever spiritual gifts we felt called for, so I started praying for the gifts of Faith and Wisdom (cuz I like to help people).

I was praying and one of our leaders, Levi, came and prayed for me. He prophesized over me saying that he saw a picture of me in front of a multitude of people of people and I was leading them with a mic. He said the words I spoke would touch everyone and I was confidently speaking to everything through God and about God. He also said that God has chosen me to carry the glory of God (usually means to be a leader to teach and lead God’s people). He said that he could sense that I had the gift of Miracles and when I would speak, many people would get healed and miracles would happen in the group that I lead. He said that because of what some people said to me in the past, I’m not as confident as I should be, but God will bring my confidence back. Lastly he said not to worry about getting arrogant because God is bigger than that and won’t let that happen to me, so just be confident in Him.

Well that was a really awesome prophecy over me, more so because I’ve been praying if I should become a pastor or do something with music in the future ^^. I also got another word when I was praying. Yesterday I was kind of I dunno, not feeling all amazing and such cuz when people praise here, they’re jumping, laughing, cant control themselves, super joyful, etc. but I’m not really like that and have never really been. While I was praying though, it seemed like God told me “Look around you, they’re meeting me for the first time so they cannot control their joy, but with you, you’ve known me since you were young. I’ve never left you and gave you discernment to not fall into worldly ways, but to stay pure and holy. They dance because they can finally feel me, but you have never stopped feeling me. Now that you’ve been baptized with the Holy Spirit and have grown more in maturity, you will see greater things than anything you already have, but do not be afraid, for I will always be with you to protect you, guide you, teach you, etc. All you need to do is have faith and follow me.”

So ya, it was a pretty intense prayer time and when I opened my eyes, I realized more than half the class was gone and it was 30 min. into lunch time. I was in a daze after and made sure to write down point form everything I remembered, so I could write about it once I had the time so I wouldn’t forget about it in the future.

Well I wrote a lot so I’ll end it now. Keep praying for me cuz I’m still praying for you all ^^. See yas till next time~


  1. Looks to me like we'll have some interesting conversations in Tokyo.

    I'm really happy this trip is actually doing for you what you were hopping before you left.

    Looking forward to see you at the end of that journey w.

    I'm also happy you decided to do this blog, reading back on this years from now too might be a source of confidence for you.

    ( yeah I've actually read all of this in case you're wondering)

  2. Ya after all that training, you're like the boss at the end haha jk jk. But ya, hopefully I'll have changed a lot by the time I reach Japan ^^.

    Im happy I made this blog too ^^ Maybe one day looking back I'll realize just how much more amazing it all is xD. And thanx for reading it all, I bet most people will just look at it and click some other link instead haha.

    Hope your exams are going well ^^
