Friday, February 26, 2010

Give Up Electric Guitar?

So I've been playing acoustic guitar a lot lately because it's the only thing I can get my hands on. Of course I'm not that amazing at acoustic cuz I never play it back at home, but the more I play it, the more I'm loving it. It kind of feels like I'm learning guitar for the first time haha. The simplicity of it, yet the complete complexity of it is pretty interesting to me right now. You don't need fancy pedals or a great amp to make it sound great, all you need is skill and complete devotion to find the perfect sound to make your notes clear and precise.

After coming here, I've met and seen a lot of amazing musicians that to me makes me think "Dang, they're amazing! Will I be that good in the future?" but instead of being all depressed and thinking "I'll never be that good", it makes me more excited instead and think "I gotta practice more (*.*)!!" I always had a habit...or more like a dream, that after hearing amazing guitarists/bands, thinking "Oh man that's awesome! I want to be able to play what they play, and then surpass them and become even more skilled then them!" I want to start working towards that goal and one day become an amazing guitarist that makes people awestruck whenever I play haha. I know it won't take a year or two, but will take MUCH longer, but I want to be able to do it one day for sure.

People here have said I'm a good guitar guitarist, but with my skill now, I'm totally not satisfied at all. I know deep inside that there's a lot more potential that I can reach if I try, and until I give it all I have, I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with my guitar skills. I want to think that what I've done now is only the beginning of something so much greater. One huge thing I need to overcome is being able to accept failure. I know that this is a giant mountain in my way of getting better and I can totally see it every time I play guitar. I can never play at my best in front of people because of my fear of messing up, and then once it happens (self-fulfilling prophecy)I can't keep my mind off of that mistake that I end up playing the rest of the song horribly. Even if people are like, "Whoa, that was really good" I won't be able to accept it and just think, "Gah, I practiced so long and I still can't play it perfectly, what the heck!" and beat myself up inside when in reality it might have been good enough. I really need to be able to overcome this and I know it won't just be a quick fix, but it'll be a lifelong journey, but I will eventually get over it, that's what I believe.

Now you're all probably wondering what the heck this post's title is about because so far I've only written about my love for guitar and wanting to improve. Well, right now I'm really debating with myself if I should sell all my electric guitar stuff and buy a pretty decent Acoustic guitar. I think at this moment that I'm not ready to play an electric in a way. If I'm not confident enough in my own skills, its really hard to focus on what I need to do when I need to set up my amp and pedals to sound just how I want. Everyone who's played with me knows that I keep trying to mess with my electric sound during practices which can sometimes make the practices longer because I keep getting distracted by the sound of my guitar. I keep thinking up new ways I can get a good sound, and end up researching so much stuff I can't afford that I end up not practicing at all. It really works against me in the end and I know its my fault in the end, but I want to get rid of the distractions and just know and play 1 guitar without having to worry about extra stuff like amps and pedals.

I kind of have to relearn how to play guitar, and then hopefully it'll all be worth it in the end and I can make songs that I could never imagine me making at the moment. If you haven't picked it up yet, I do have a passion for music and it's one of the only things in life (besides God) that really makes me feel alive. Hmm... God give me the talent to make my words true and give me the opportunity to be able to share it with the World.

Ok I think I'm done writing now. Just wanted to write down what's been on my mind. I know it may not seem significant at all to most of you, but this is what my heart is crying out right now, so thought I'd jot it down to help get it out of me and able to reflect on it. Well see ya all later. God bless.


  1. I'm really sorry for not posting anything. Still found the time to read though.

    So first of all, you probably have no idea what a good decision this would be. First and most importantly, acoustic guitar IS the real guitar. Secondly, there's too many variables when playing electric, amps, pedals, settings, in the end the sound is sadly related to how much money you can spend.

    However, someone truly brilliant on guitar can take a battered old acoustic and make it sound godly. It's the skill, not the equipment.

    And as a lost argument in the favor of your decision: being amazing at guitar means a lot of practice. If you really want to get there, you just need to make playing it a part of yourself, just play it anywhere, whenever you feel like it. That being said, you can take your acoustic with you in a car, when going for a walk or out with friends, you definetly can't do that with the electric.

    I'm really happy to see your love for music is still strong. Maybe when you come here we can help you look for a decent acoustic you can buy when you go home.

    Ps: and stop beating yourself over mistakes, what makes a true guitarist is not playing flawlessly, but being able to take a mistake and improvise into something even better than the original w.

  2. Ya, I was actually debating if I should find a cheap guitar in China cuz they make everything haha. Japan for sure would have better guitars, but they'd be crazy expensive @.@; I'm guessing I won't have too much money if I sell my guitar stuff cuz of depreciation rates and such x.x; Oh wells, we'll have to see

    I'm only going to be in Japan for 2 weeks around, so hopefully I get to check out a guitar store in that time haha. I wonder if there's any Japanese concerts within that time o.o; How would I go about checking that out?

  3. Do you know the exact date yet? I can look into it for you.

  4. Nope not yet. My leaders dunno like any info. its pretty annoying. We need to pay all our outreach fees by March 4th and we still dunno how much we need to pay >.> Once I find out, I'll post it onto my blog tho.

  5. Ok, well I'll be traveling around Japan but it'll only be April and May. Then to the USA but that'll be during summer, so I'm hoping those two weeks are in June.

  6. Who's going to play electric :O

  7. Well there's always Henry, or hopefully our church will grow and another will come, or God ends up letting me have both, but who knows. If we really think about it, we dont NEED electric, more like we just want it. But if it is God's will, then I'll try to do both in the end, but we'll see.
