Friday, February 5, 2010

Prophecy Games? and NES games o.O;

So one of my roommates (the youth pastor) has an Apple laptop and has an NES emulator on it haha. He even bought USB NES controllers online and got it sent here, so me and a few Korean guys play it at night for fun hehe. We were laughing our heads off at these 2 Korean guys cuz they totally suck at Mario Bros 3 and kept dying so fast, but then wondered where 2 of our other roommates were, cuz it was like 11-12pm and they're usually back at 10pm.

One of my roommates comes back and says that they were playing a Prophecy game o.O;; Ya...I was thinking "How the heck can you play a prophetic game...sounds kinda creepy" haha. They said they would get in a circle, and one person would put out their hands and close their eyes and a random person would put their hands over, and they would have to guess who it was. I dunno, but I'm pretty sure I heard non-christians doing the same thing, but it involved evil spirits haha but who knows.

Another one of my roommates came in later and said he was doing the same thing, and he was kinda a skeptic before, but is now like totally into prophesying and such. The first roommate that came in said he wanted to get prayed by the other, so they went by my bedside (cuz apparently that's where the 2nd roommate felt God more? haha guess I did pick the best bed) and prayed. The 2nd said that the 1st would make friendships and help lead those people to God and have lifetime friendships with them. It was pretty long, but that's the sum of it. Apparently the 2nd is anointed for prophecy, but I won't say anything about it.

We don't really learn about prophesying much in church or ever practice it, so this is all really new to me. We actually learned about it in class and had to get into groups of 3 and try it out. I prophecized over this girl and I saw an image of her falling and the background was black and red. I felt like she was really unsure about something and couldn't find a way to resolve it, but then a huge hand came out and she landed on it really gently, then a huge window appeared and behind it was a field with a tree in the middle and it was a really abundant looking place and the hand brought her through the window to that place. We're told to ask the Holy Spirit what anything means, so I asked and I then told her that she might be feeling unsure of something and that God was going to bring her to a place of peace. I didn't know, but she needed $3300 by the next day to stay in YWAM or she would have to leave, and then the next day, at the beginning of class she said she only needed $957 more (there were 4 others that needed money) and so we prayed to see if anyone felt like they should give money to certain people and by the end, that girl had more than she needed o.o; So maybe I got it wrong and the vision meant she'd be brought into a place of abundance, but oh wells haha. First time I ever did it, so it was pretty cool ^^. I kept praying for her every time I could, mostly cuz she joined the praise team for some of the prayer room times and I like her voice haha, but I'm so glad she was able to get the money xD.

Oh shoot I gotta go or I'll be late, got carried away with typing x.x; I'll see ya all later ^^ Sorry for not being able to update much, but the internet here crazy sux and wont even let me get into my hotmail or facebook a lot of the times, so there's no way I can update this thing. So if there's no pictures, its cuz I can't upload them cuz the internet connection sux way too much >.<; Well hope text is fine for now. See ya laters ^^

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