Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to get over Game Addictions

So our speaker actually went over a little bit on Video Games. I know this will be a very controversial topic for many of you, but you can't really deny the power of game addictions. I admit, I was pretty addicted to games as well, so I'm just as guilty as the next guy/girl. Well anyways, here are 5 things video games can do to people:

1) Addicted + Preoccupied = absorbed into being entertained. Throughout the whole day, fixed on the thought of "How can I get back to the console/computer" which will then lead to a life of selfishness.

2) Many games these days are usually about or contain sex, violence, crudeness, and witchcraft. He described witchcraft as anything not of God, such as magic, creatures such as vampires, demonic stuff etc etc.

3) Exposing yourself to witchcraft in some of the games. Demons actually can't manifest in you/possess you unless you dabble in witchcraft or totally deny God. Here's something that might surprise a lot of you. Witchcraft can curse generations, so if anyone in your family has done witchcraft, it can affect you even if you're a christian. Also if you sleep with someone, the Bible says that both your flesh will become as one, meaning that even if you haven't done witchcraft or anything like that, because you slept with them, it opens a gateway to all their sins. Now, here's a real sucky thing. If you ever sleep with a prostitute or people like them, you're combining yourself with not only them, but also every single person they've slept with! o.o;

4) Numbness to what is wrong/morality (cannot feel, numbness to life). You can see this in kids who'll kill like 700 people in a game and not even flinch or see people die in movies in gory ways and think nothing of it.

5) Cause child and parent to coexist instead of having a cohesive relationship. This means that the child and parents will live in the same house, but not interact or do anything together. Breaks down human relationships (disconnect). This leads to confusion which leaders to greater resistance and rebellion towards people and God.

Isolating yourself into the game world will lead to emotional distancing from family and friends. We need to teach our kids how to effectively express their feelings while growing up or else when they get into marriages and still dunno how to express themselves, their marriages will totally fail. Video games however do the complete opposite and cause people to never learn how to connect to people on an emotional level.

In the end, the person's brain has a progressive addiction which leads to a selfish ambition of "I need what I want NOW" and continues on to a life of rejection.

Breaks down one's ability to not only read scripture, but also understand it and get something out of it.

Ok, so that was a lot of bad stuff, so what are ways to get rid of it? Here's some steps:

1) Cut out the entertainment and/or having headphones on all the time. Many teens hide behind their headphones and never really engage in anything around them.

2) Ask God for forgiveness over the addiction and confusion (Lord please forgive me of...I cast away the spirit of addiction + confusion...).

3) Create a big fortress of encouragement with human love and connection for the child and parents. Examples would be to go camping, swimming at the beach, etc. Build up human relationships in love and encouragement.

Here's some preventions if you're a parent:

1) Limit time of playing, type of games they play, and number of consoles

2) Use playing games more as a reward than something you do all the time

3) Make sure the game has a beginning and an end. Avoid online games and other games that last forever.

Well anyways, that's some interesting stuff I learned. You can agree with it or not, but ya, do with it as you will. God bless~


  1. That's all very interesting to read. Of course, there's a much more easier way to get over addiction. Final University exams, degree paper, and finally bar exam. Trust me, it takes away all the fun of games. And life. w, joking, not life too.

    I haven't actually been able to touch and kind of game for a month I think. That only makes you realize it's not indispensable like you thought, rather it's all a matter of what you do with your time. Of course should I still have free time, or nothing to do I would still probably go back to playing games.

    The trick is play them when you have nothing to do, not do nothing but play games.

  2. Haha, ya but with the games we play, playing them because you have nothing to do slowly creeps into becoming "Oh shoot it's 6am, I forgot to sleep...well no point in sleeping anymore" haha jk jk.

    And its funny, cuz exams have the opposite effect on me. They suddenly makes games WAY more interesting and fun to play hahah. But ya, Imma try to put that aside and such, but we'll see how it goes.

    Anyways, I thought it was a pretty easy way to get over it...I think it only took us like a couple min. to go over it all and such haha.

  3. In celebration of your post, I went and played some PW today w.

    Got annoyed like heck I wonder if it's some sign w

    Either way, I started playing games because well, my partner is not the kind of person that has a lot of free time I guess, and being alone for too long made me go insane with boredom - hence my analogy, play games when you have nothing to do, don't do nothing because of playing games.

    Of course things are gonna change now a bit, since I have the chance to help a lot more with what he's doing, plus my own future to work for, so it's not really a matter of too much time alone anymore - also my sleeping habits are a lot better this days.

    I actually feel pretty content with this new turn in my life and the diminishing of gaming hours, who thought I'd say that w.

  4. Haha, you just had to try to prove me wrong eh? Well it's true though, the reason I played so many games or watched anime is cuz of intense boredom at home. It's a really good way of passing the time, but won't recommend it for my future kids haha.

    Great that you get to help him more and spend more time with him ^^ Just make sure you get to see me in Japan. Oh ya, there's apparently a second phase to my DTS thing, and one of the options for outreach is Japan :O!! If I did do the 2nd phase, I could stay in Japan from up to 3 weeks to 5 months xD There's really no time limit to the mission phase, we just gotta pray for a time limit before we go xD.

    So after going to Japan, I'll decide if I want to do the 2nd phase or not. I'd totally love to go cuz this place is extremely amazing, but who knows, gotta pray about it and find some way to fund myself hehe.
