When we got there the next morning, it took the fire department 3 HOURS to get there >.>;; So we were a lil pissed off cuz we're both totally not morning people and were cranky haha. I ended up just helping her with her ESL (english second language) workbook stuff while we waited and I realized...well knew before but realized even more.....I totally suck at english hahaha. I know how to use it, but I totally have no clue how to explain it because I don't know any of the rules x.x; Also my vocab SUCKS haha. I think the ESL Koreans here know more vocab than me haha.
So anyways, the fire department people finally came, set up, and put make up on Janina, the kids that were helping out, and a man from Norway. I was wearing long sleeves and pants stupidly, so it didn't work out, so I just had to act haha. Me and Janina were in an area with a lil kid named Christian and our story was this: Me and Janina were looking over this kid in preschool when an earthquake hit and shook everything. Janina went to turn off the power so the electric lines wouldn't make a fire but when she did, she saw a flash and burned her hand. Christian went to hide under the table, but something hit his head, and I went to get help but pathetically tripped over a board and fractured my leg on the ground haha.
The Emergency response people had to find us and then pretend to give us care and such. They wrapped up my leg with a piece of cardboard and wrapped up the kids' and Janina's burns and cuts. The had to carry the man out cuz he was pretending to have an internal injury from a beam falling on him, but they had some trouble lifting him cuz he was kinda big hahah.
Well here are some pics:
The makeup kit for making us look hurt hehe
A dummy of a dead fireman haha. They put a table over him so it looked like he got trapped.
The kid were with. Doesn't the head injury look so good? haha
Janina's burnt hand haha
My dramatic fall from a wooden plank in the ground x.x;