Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spiritual Gifts?

So we met up with our 70+ group and introduced ourselves to a lot of different people asking a list of questions and such this guy would shout out. The questions later started to get more personal, like "When was the time you felt God the most" or "What was your biggest obstacle to overcome" and such.

I couldn't find an answer for one of them, but started talking to my partner (one of our leaders from London xD) about how I wanted to know more about the spiritual gifts talked about in the Bible; more info here:

My church doesn't really emphasis on it like other churches, so I dunno much about it, but always wanted to experience one of the cool ones like prophecies xD.

The leader said that she's had experiences with healings, prophecies and speaking in tongues, and that she actually healed someone last week o.o;. She said she doesn't feel any power or anything from herself, but its more that she's powerless and God just works through her. She also said she could sense my hunger for God (just a christian saying, saying that you desire to know God) and that I may have the gift of speaking in tongues and to pray about it. So I guess I will and I'll see how it goes~

[This stuff will probably sound foreign to a lot of you guys, but it's all good. I'll be writing about my christian experiences so that I don't forget about them, so don't be surprised if this blog isnt only filled with pictures of hawaii haha.]

1 comment:

  1. johnny & i have the spiritual gift of singleness, according to that quiz we took with sonny jdsn! hahaha...that's just too funny :) do you remember what your result was?

