Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More Roommate Drama

So this happened 2 nights ago, but apparently my roommate that has some anger issues sleep walks as well. I was asleep so I didn't see it, but everyone else in the room saw and told me this and kept asking the guy why he did it, but he couldn't remember. But, this is what they said: They said that my roommate got up and started mumbling to himself while standing and looking at everyone in the room while they were asleep, he then went into the kitchen and just stood there and finally, he then sat down in the chair. One of my roommate's asked him what he was doing and suddenly he dashed out of the room (with no shirt on). My roommate was like "WHAT THE HECK!" and after I while my roommate came back in, then dashed back out. When he came back in the last time, he went back to his bed and passed out. The whole time he was making weird noises or talking to himself they said o.O;;

That other roommate that was supposed to get kicked out said that on saturday he was praying and really felt God and finally kinda understood him, but yesterday, he found out he was going to get kicked out and got pissed off, so went into town and hid from the leaders. I talked to him before he left and he said that some guy snitched him out, tell one of the leaders that he was saying bad things about him, which was the reason he was going to get kicked out (his last strike). Another one of my roommates however told people that the roommate said he was going to go crazy and pull a columbine (school shooting), so he actually told the leaders and 7 cop cars came and some officers came in at night and questioned us. I told them that he wasn't the kinda guy to do that kinda thing, cuz in my opinion, he would never do that. Well he came back on his own today and is going to leave at 6pm, so I'm just hoping he thinks this through and doesn't give up or hate on Christianity because I can see most people doing that in his situation which really saddens me.

Well for some happy news, my sister said she somehow had some coupon to a classes place back at home that covers up to $500 or something, so they bought a new pair of glasses on the internet and are going to ship it once they get it xD So I won't be blind forever, hurrays xD. I had a few people pray for me yesterday, and this totally seems like an answer to my prayers ^^. They were kinda praying that I'd be completely healed of ill eyesight, but I was kinda praying more for something like this hahaha. God works differently in everyone, and to me, this is a big miracle, cuz I was really wondering how the heck I was going to afford new glasses, and that coupon was like a gift from Heaven hehe. Anyways, I usually don't worry too much about these kind of things even though they seem really serious. I may complain a bit, but usually inside I don't really worry cuz I know God is my provider. I've just seen him provide and bless me with too much to worry that much anymore ^^. Yay God haha.

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