Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Living as a Blind Man

So today I got an email from my sister that it might take a week to get my glasses >.>; She said she realized that the promotion thing she had only said 1 per family, and she ordered my glasses last (she bought 3 herself) >.>;;; I BETTER get a pair of glasses soon or Imma be very pissed off.

Living as a blind guy really sux. I can't do much cuz everything requires my eyesight. I've been lil bit moodier, but I think that might the fact that my cold still won't go away, and is actually getting worse regardless the fact that I'm highly medicating myself in attempts to get rid of my cough. I have one of those forced coughs that are almost impossible to hold back. I've been coughing like crazy and I'm really hoping it's not going to affect my lungs.

So these days, I can't even g on the computer much cuz my back starts to hurt from having to look really close at my computer screen. Also it's a lot harder to enjoy conversations with people as much cuz I can't see their facial expressions and usually when I'm about to say something, I end up having a coughing spasm, so my social skills are failing me. Can't see or talk properly, perfect x.x;

Well everyone, please pray for me cuz I'm in a sucky mood right now. See yas.


  1. Aww Justin..:( I'll pray for you to get better!! I had one of those spasmy coughs myself before, and they're really annoying and ppl look at me like i have swine flu here...and that really sucks about the glasses! I understand, even though my eyesight is only fractionally bad compared to yours. I can't even leave my house without my glasses anymore!

    So if Monica used the coupon by accident for the 1 per family, how are you getting yours?! I really hope everything works out and your mood improves!! hehe

    and about facial expressions, just stand reaaaally close to people so you can see!! at least you don't have a "dull looking face" like i do ( according to Kassia) when I don't have my glasses on hahaha, anyways, Good luck and i'll be praying for ya from vancouver!

  2. Thanx Karmia, I really appreciate it ^^. My cold is getting a little bit better, but still blind as ever haha. Im not as bitter anymore, so thanx for the prayers ^^. Please pray that they'll be sent quickly and be the right size xD.
