Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weird Dream (Only for Shin)

So this is mostly a story for Shin cuz no one else will understand it, but ya.

So the only part of the dream I remember is the end part of it, but I was in a huge fancy looking mall with a small food court inside. I was with one of my roommates and was apparently in Japan. I looked across the room and saw Shin, Kage, and a bunch of other people sitting at a round table eating and laughing. I gave my roommate some excuse for him to leave and ditched him to say hi to everyone, but Shin disappeared, so I just said hi to Kage. For some reason I couldn't remember what Shin looked like, so I asked this long haired person their name thinking it might be Shin, but instead they said in a sweet voice "Oh, my name is Miyuki" hahaha. I suddenly got this picture of what Shin looked like and it was this round faced, manly looking guy with dyed light brown hair and a mustache that connected to a goatee which was also dyed light brown hahaha. Then after looking around and not seeing him, I ended up waking up o.O;

That was a weird pointless dream, but thought I would post it anyways for a laugh haha.


  1. ww man J, I don't know if to be amused or scream at you! w
    I think I'll just be mad on Kage for dinning with this Miyuki instead, and then blame it on your dream.

    I wonder what your face was when you woke up, must have had a good laugh, and thought ' shin will hate me for this' huh?

    I doubt that confusion is even possible though.

    ( how did you know I changed my sense of style so radically? I wanted it to be a surprise)

    Anyways since I read about the talent show too, don't forget to practice guitar while your in Hawaii I'm not the only one who wants to hear your song w.

    Do you think you'll be having any free days at all? I'd really like to show you Kyoto too.

  2. Hahah, I knew you'd love my dream haha. Ya, I'm trying to practice guitar here when I have some time, but don't expect anything amazing hehe. That way you'll get what you expect or you'll be blown away hahah jk jks.

    I actually have no idea if I'll have any free days, so don't plan anything amazing. Hopefully I'll be able to get away to at least eat with ya once >.<; (dunno how strict my teachers are going to be). I guess you could always try and kidnap me and pretend to be an anti-christian group hahaha.

  3. >=3 It was me in disguise!!! Wahahaha*coughs*not.

    You're so lucky~ TT^TT Shin~ take heaps of photos~!!! xD And J, take a photo of Shin in his suit of legal doom!

    *huggles* Shin-senpai~~~!!! ^^ I can count to 20 in japanese now...

    *yawns~* When you go to kidnap J, come kidnap me as well ^^ Jokes. Kekeke... J~~~ *pokes* I don't know what else to comment about. =/

    Take care & Have Fun ^^ (You too Shin & Kage xD)

  4. Hahahaha, Shin just got huggled? Oh man, love to see his face when he reads that hahah. And what the heck, I only get poked? :O!!! How evil! haha.

    Oh wait, I just realized, I learned how to count to 20 like 1 hour ago o.O;; A girl in the youth group, at the new church I go to, taught me ^^.

    Oh, and the instructors said we don't know what our schedule in Japan will look like, but we'll have at least 1 day of rest every week. Probably 6 days of work and 1 day rest x.x;

  5. @ Misty-chan Nice to see you here! But trust me you're far too sweet to be called Miyuki.

    Great job on the Japanese too, keep up the good work.

    ( I doubt I'm going to wear a suit to meet J though w)

    Good, I'll make good use of that one day ( in case you are wondering, yes my expression is scary right now w).

    Of course she huggled me, goes to prove who is the most lovable. ( sadly I'll have to give up my plot to get J drunk since, he's not coming here for fun). Also I had to remind Tatsu who Misty-chan was before he exploded w.

    Is that girl Japanese? Amaze us with your great counting ability?

  6. Hahah, you're the most lovable? Wonder how you'd react in real life haha. Oh ya, and Kage must of been like "RAWR!! Whose this Misty girl hugging my Shin!!" hahah.

    Well you could try to get me drunk, but they might end up trying to deport me back home haha. *gets a job and lives in Japan* haha if only.

    And no, the girl's Korean, but she just learned it from school or something. Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyuu, juu, juu ichi, juu ni, juu san, juu shi, juu go, juu roku, juu shichi, juu hachi, juu kyuu, ni juu, ni juu ichi, ni juu ni, ni juu san, ni juu shi, ni juu go, ni juu roku, ni juu shichi, ni juu hachi, ni juu kyuu, san juu. Oh woops. I counted to 30 instead of 20 x.x; Well I always did hate math haha.

  7. w, look who can count to 30! You won't have any trouble in Japan !

    It's true we do use that counting system, but that's actually chinese.

    Original Japanese counting system is: hitotsu, futatsu, mitsu, yotsu, itsutsu, mutsu, nanatsu, yatsu, kokonotsu ( coconuts w) tou.

  8. hahaha, Kokonotsu xDD Thats awesome haha. Dang, that counting system is a LOT harder. How do you say something like "I have 18 sheep and 46 chickens"? *random example*

    Which reminds me, I like kokonotsu flakes, but dun really like kokonotsu milk. I thought the milk would be sweet, but kokonotsu milk is kinda bitter o.O;
