Wednesday, January 13, 2010

YWAM Night Drama

Ya, so last night was a kinda fun night haha. So we get back from a meeting and we're all thinking "praise God" and stuff like that, and then while we're in our rooms, 3 leaders come in and say that they found 2 of our roommates drinking and smoking weed.

One of those roommates actually just came the day before, so we're thinking "what the heck >.>;" They continue to say that they found one of them passed out on the sidewalk, so they knew they were drinking a LOT. Also, they said they were talking to the older one and then he apparently ran away and couldn't be found haha.

Later on in the night, me and my other roommates started talking to the younger guy (who was the one passed out on the sidewalk) about what happened, and he said that the older guy liked some girl in his YWAM group and wanted pointers about how to ask her out hahahaha. So he bought some alcohol and started getting pointers from the younger one >.>; In the end, they drank from 1pm-6pm and were pissed drunk coming back and ya, you can guess the rest.

The older guy came in with a leader and he actually had to pack up all his stuff and got a plane ticket back to California, USA. I was kinda like o.O; cuz I had no idea how strict this place would be haha. After seeing the guy getting kicked, the younger guy started freaking out and looked like he was about to cry haha which is funny cuz he tries to act ghetto (even tho he's korean) so we stayed up with him and talked to him to try and calm him down.

Ya, so that was my day yesterday. We had some interesting conversations with the new guy cuz he apparently is completely racist it seems and is totally mind washed by the media about what's cool and such. Me and my roommates just kept laughing at his messed up ideas and such, but ya haha.

Well the younger guy ended up not getting kicked out, or at least he's in the room with me while I'm typing this, but he's on his bunk so can't read this haha. So now continues the fun YWAM journey xD.

See yas for now, gots to go eat, haven't eaten yet and it's dinner time :O!! OH! This may shock everyone, but since I've gotten here, I've had like no appetite really at all and the main thing I'm eating these days is.........Salad :O!!!!! I know, like what the heck!! I blame Shin~ hahaha.

Well see yas ^^


  1. You just couldn't resist making me look like the evil character could you?? Salad is good for you just like smoking is bad for me so keep on eating that.

    Now about the whole drama thing you can guess I was laughing at it can you? First thing that passed through my head was, well J's safe that's for sure. It's not like there's even the remotest chance someone would find you drinking.

    But seriously, just 2 weeks into this and there's already love drama?? Feels like 1st year of university all over again w. Must suck for the older guy since now all the 'pointers' he tried to get are 'pointless'.

    But I'm guessing some kids would come to a place like that for different reasons than yours. Some could be pressured by parents, others might have just needed an excuse to get away from home, so once in a while it makes sense you'd find this completely brainwashed people.

    Btw sorry I had no clue the blog would be in Japanese and I have even less of a clue on how to change it. It's not a setting I chose or anything

  2. Hahaha, hey after knowing you for so long, my sleep schedule's messed up AND I've been eating vegetables :O! There's something totally wrong with that hahah jk jks.

    Ya, even though it's so bad cuz I'm a roommate, I was laughing on the inside too haha. And for the love drama thing, Koreans work fast hahaha. Their whole culture is based on "love", so it's not rare at all to see stuff like that after even a day or whatever. And ya, the worst they'd find me doing is sneaking out at night to play guitar under the stars or something haha.

    A lot of people were actually forced to come here by their parents (cant really call them kids cuz most of the people here are older than me). But I guess their parent's still treat them as kids if that's their reason for coming haha. Probably just hoping that they'll change after coming here, which I heard is really common, but not everyone will I guess, just how it is.

    And don't worry about the blog stuff, I'm total pro at japanese haha jk jks.

  3. ...salad?! wha....???!!!!
    hahaha! well, looks like you'll be coming back a healthier version of you :)

    and wow...pot and alcohol all within the first week! now don't you cave under peer pressure, justin!


  4. haha, nah nah, all my friends in highschool were like that, but I'm a good lil boy xD. Never was into that kinda stuff cuz I always saw the result of it and thought "Why the heck would I wanna make a fool of myself like that and mess up my life? o.O;" *no offense to those who do do that haha*
