Saturday, January 16, 2010

Downtown? fun

So I kept hearing about people saying stuff like "Hey, lets go downtown" and such like that, and I kept thinking, "Where the heck is there a downtown around here? o.O" Apparently they were referring to the lil plaza area that is only about like 10 buildings big hahaha. What an awesome downtown haha.

So today I hung out with a bunch of Koreans from a different DTS group (mine's Fire and Fragrance and theirs is Call2All) and now I'm kinda beating myself for not picking Call2All x.x; So far I've met a LOT of people from their group and they're all awesome people x.x; Plus all the Koreans seem to be in that group haha.

Well we just got some ice cream (Kona coffee ice cream & Kona Joy ice cream) and the Joy is sooo yummy >.<; Its like cookies and cream, but has coconut, nuts, and other awesome stuff in it xD. Too bad I got the coffee one tho x.x;

Well here's a pic of most of the people I was hanging out with ^^


  1. Don't complain. You're lucky you have one. And from my point of view if it has icecream it has everything ( especially since you don't drink)

    But how can you regret coffee? Blasphemy.

    Either way, look at the bright side, if you chose Call2All you probably would have never met the people in your actual group, this way, you get to meet more people. Plus diversity is good for you

  2. Ya, that's true. And coffee tastes horrible >:D hahaha jk jks. Ya, I dunno what it is, but its hard for me to talk to white people haha, not being racist, but its hard to relate I guess? Oh wells, I guess I'll have to learn to be more white hahaha.

  3. It's bad to try and fix stupid blogs when you're still half asleep. Seriously, why did you have to, out of all possible choices, choose a blog that has no sense of HTML that tab is a lie!! I have no clue where some of my pictures went...and it just adds coding I've never seen.

    Incidentally I don't think coffee icecream is that tasty either.

    Peace. w

  4. Ya I know right? I tried to do some HTML before too, but it totally failed x.x; Just heard that this site was popular so decided to give it a try x.x;
