Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Perspective

In our seminar, the pastor was talking about how we're raised learning about God in the wrong perspective. Most Christians wake up and think (directly or indirectly) "How can I love God today?" This becomes the foundation of our Christianity and we try to do things to please God, such as reading the Bible, praying, fasting, coming to church, etc. because we believe that these things will make God happy. It's always us searching how we can satisfy God, and if we slip up and sin, then we suddenly think we're not good enough or that we're failures as Christians, and it eventually turns into "How can I live my life feeling the least amount of guilt as possible and be able to say I'm a good Christian?" A lot of Christians believe that this will lead to God loving us, but the thing is, we're always going to slip up eventually and always going to fail, so this thinking will always leave us empty and longing for more of a relationship with Him.

We think like this because it's the normal teachings in church without us really knowing it. Most continue to think like this because they don't know that there's another way, but there is.

The foundation we should live our lives is "God loves me." He loves us the same from our highest point to our lowest point. Instead of doing certain things to gain his approval, we should be doing such things as a response to his love, such as service, praying for others, worship, sharing the gospel, etc. In Christianity, you cannot gain salvation through actions, so do not get confused with this, but its more, we do these things because we want to, not because we have to. This in turn will then lead to a greater relationship with God. If you noticed, guilt should not be a factor in this, because he knows we're all sinners but he loves us the same.

I know this might sound a lil confusing, but if you guys have any questions about this, I'll try to explain it more. It's a lot easier to understand with a picture, but I dont have time to draw one right now, so maybe I'll add one later ^^.


  1. oh, i totally agree. i've always thgouht that our church or korean churches in general don't focus enough on this concept. it's so much about n individual's experience with God and how they can enhance it..but not as much about "okay, God loves me & God loves everyone. What can I do to exemplify that?". I really think people think of serving the church and it's members is more of a duty or a way to earn more brownie points. In reality, I should stay behind and help with the dishes, clean up after others (or an event) or help rearrange the chairs voluntarily because it is a way to show my love for others. My helping hand will help my fellow church member get home sooner tot heir family or to rest. My helping to clean up is a way of showing respect for the churh building and those who come to worship. It's not just about volunteering to play an instrument, teach, or be on the church sports team. more important is doing what Jesus would do if he were a member of my church.


  2. omg, i totally went off on a rant. my point is: Now you know God, if you wnat to know Him more, go act it out!!!


  3. xDD Nah, feel free to rant away in the comments section, I really appreciate it ^^.

    Also I totally agree with you. The speaker, Andy Byrd, was saying how a lot of churches are preaching upon an acts/works based religion and how we must do things to get closer to God, but that'll only lead to continual striving and never really understanding God. So instead we have to get away from religiosity and focus our minds on the fact that God loves us and our whole lives should be a response to that love ^^.

  4. ..Since I don't have much to say on the rest of the entry...please don't tell me that's your handwriting J. All I can read is " God"

  5. lol! yeah, that's totally what i meant! that andy byrd....he seems like one smart guy ;)


  6. haha nah, that's Andy's writing. Wonder if mine would be any better tho o.o; and ya, he's an amazingly smart guy :O!! only 29 around too o.o
