Thursday, January 7, 2010

1st Entry~

Yay, writing my first entry in a blog :O!! I dunno really how blogs work, but I think I might just type out whatever interesting things come my way. I dunno if you guys can comment on them or not, have no clue how this site works >.<;; If you can leave comments, please do, and if you find out how to follow me, also do that xD. I'll try to blog whenever I find time, so keep checking for updates and such ^^.

Spread the word about this site and show other random peoples xD. Just randomly send them the link~ hehe.

Anywhos, I shall be updating you on my journey to Hawaii, so enjoy enjoy xD~!

PS: Make one too if you guys have time xD (Made one, so now its your turn Shin :O!! hehe)


  1. Hey Justin!! i'm following you now :P
    I expect awesome updates and pics hehe

    PS: I'm going to probably comment a lot haha
    PPS: doesn't this remind you of a looong time ago on that msn blog thing?! XD

  2. Hahaha, totally. I was thinking of using that, but I heard this site is better, but who knows haha. Just wish there was a mass upload picture thing, but I guess it's all good.

    Guess I'll have to mass comment your blogs too xD haha Beware~

  3. haha oh noo!!! yeah i think blogspots nicer, and prettier haha
    i might not have enough entries to mass comment though! :P but seeing as you update a lot, i shall do the commenting keke!
