Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The blind can see :O

So I FINALLY got my glasses xD Praise the Lord haha. It's so so clear o.o;

I got them when we had a break in the service, and when I came back, instead of looking at the speaker, I was just looking around at the trees, the birds, and the sky and was like, "What the...its like that feeling you get...when you see HD for the first time o.o;" But seriously, I was thinking, "I can see all the lil leaves on that tree and that tree is far away!! AMAZING!!" haha. Like a totally new world opened up before my eyes xD. The world is beautiful T.T *tear tear*

Another thing I noticed, right away when I first tried them on and actually made me really surprised, is.....I lost weight o.o; Like my face looks a lot skinnier and smaller @.@;; The food here, even though it's buffet style, kinda...SUX haha. So far the best food we've had was spaghetti haha. All the food here doesn't match with my stomach either, so I find myself sitting on the toilet a lot, which is weird cuz I usually go like once every other day o.o; (probably too much information, but uh...tada xD).

Ya, so even though the food sux, I'm thinking of maybe shoving it down my throat so that I can gain some weight back. I think I've already lost like 2 inches off my waist x.x; But hurray for getting my sight back xD, pretty ecstatic about that ^^ God is good xD.


  1. Ah! i know the feeling so well jay jay !
    Its like, truly HD, its crazy!! You go like walking the street and you can look at people's faces and know wether or not you know them! Its FABULOUS!!

  2. YA! and I can finally read people's facial expressions haha. I pretty much had to memorize everyone's height, shape, hair color, and colors they tend to wear to know who was who. Well at least now I'm good at picking people out of a crowd haha
