Friday, January 22, 2010

Basketball & Other Random Talk

So today I found out that my parents shipped my new pair of glasses, but it takes 2 business days to get here. Seeing that it just had to perfectly be Friday, I gotta be patient, bare with the blurry and dizziness, and wait till tuesday/wednesday to get them x.x; I totally have a new found respect for blind people x.x; Well on the bright side, at least I know they're on their way ^^b Now just gotta pray that they'll fit and be the right kind cuz my mom and sis guessed on a bunch of stuff like pupil distance, so hoping it'll still look normal when I wear them o.o;

Well now that I can't play basketball (cuz I'd probably be smashed in the face with the ball) I decided to take some pics of the court we play on and the guys I play against. Here's an action shot here:

One of these guys played basketball in college and he's huge compared to us, so we get our butts kicked by him haha. I haven't played for 3-4 years now, so I'm crazy out of shape and today I just spent a bit of time dribbling the ball, trying to get my groove back. They keep saying that I surprise them every time I play, but I really doubt it haha. I dunno, I'm horrible with compliments, but one of my roommates that I play with said that I move like water hahah.

So besides this, I went to the Banyan Tree Cafe for the Talent show. To my surprise, there was actually a LOT of people performing, and because I didn't have my glasses, I couldn't really make out who was who, so didn't stay too long at the beginning. I did see a youth group guy from the Korean church I now go to and he asked me if I wanted to enter into a raffle. It was $1 for a ticket, so I just gave $5 cuz it's going to Haiti. I got him to write it and all that cuz I couldn't see where to put everything and such and then left.

When I came back after basketball, I saw a 13 year old girl from the youth group of the Korean church, so we hung out and talked, while listening to the performers. It then went to the end of the night and they announced the winner for the raffle......and it was me :O!!! I won two $10 gift cards to the cafe hahah. I just said "Thank you Lord xD" and came back down the stage hehe. If you guys are wondering, I didn't get to perform cuz I came too late and there were a ton of performers, but if it makes you feel any better, I've already showed so many people my song here that I'm wondering if they're sick of hearing it by now hahah.

Well that's all for today, now I gets to wait in anticipation for my glasses to come. Just 4 more days >.<;; It's like waiting for Christmas haha.


  1. I actually love how that basketball court looks, it makes me want to play too, maybe I'll drag Kaji for a game when I go back on Monday.

    And wow, lucky you won, how much are those 10$ worth in chiken wings? Or don't they serve any?
    By the way had any of the local cuisine there? I'm curious about it.

    Also about the glasses, it's probably frustrating that you have to spend the weekend without them, but the experience as a whole might have been good for you, I'm pretty sure you'll take better care of the next pair, and you'll appreciate being able to see people's expressions more, w just don't stare too much at them

    On the downside, your laptop will be missing the almost make out session, so don't forget to lovingly pet it once in a while ( by the way, fixed your friends laptop, or took yours along?)

  2. Ya, the court is actually the place I took pictures of where we have service sometimes, just without all the chairs and people. If you look at the top right, you can see the stage lights to the stage. Still a pretty nice court, unless I just take very good pictures haha jk jks.

    I think after I get my glasses back, I'm going to be blessing every blind person I see haha. Just 3 more days @.@;

    And I brought my own laptop even tho the cover is messed up, just hoping it wont fall apart here. Wonder if my friend's computer ever worked after I left o.O; Oh wells
