Friday, January 15, 2010

Cockroach Fun

The guy that came into our room ready to catch the roach.

Trying to find the roach. It actually traveled around the room to everyone's beds haha.

Ya, so yesterday when I was uploading pictures, I caught a glimpse of something on my right on the wall, and like 1-2 feet away there's the biggest cockroach I've ever seen!! Now I dunno about you guys, but my house back at home doesn't even have a single cockroach ever (no even my old house), so I was like "Whoa!! what the heck is this?!"

I didn't know they could fly, but this one was flying and crawling everywhere. Gah, why do they have to seem to creepy x.x; So me and my roommates tried to kill it, but it's crazy fast. This one korean guy from another room was like "In the name of Jesus, I command you to die" and we're all laughing and such haha and another roommate's like "I'm pretty sure Jesus loves all his creatures"

To an answer to our prayers, a guy from the next room came in and said that his room before had 6 at once and that they're nothing to him. He was all like crocodile hunter mode and was crawling under and moving stuff to get at it, and in the end caught it in a bag and tied it up. He said that he made some bet with his group before that he was actually going to eat one, so he left and said "Hey guys, thanks for dinner" haha. What a guy xD.

The window screen from my window popped out, so I was guessing that's the most likely way it got in, so I grabbed the screen and my friend's night-book-reading light and went outside and popped it back in, so I'm hoping we won't be having another incident like this for a while @.@:

By the way, if you were guessing how big it was around um...


the size of that if not bigger (depends if you count the antennas or not.

I was telling my roommates how I've never had one in my house, and one of them was like "Well it's because your dad's a pastor, it must be blessed" and I was like "Haha, so funny cuz we actually call it the holy house haha"

Heard in the Philippines that there's so many cockroaches that they're everywhere in the houses and the people don't even care. They just live among them x.x; Well possibly after 3 months I'll get used to it and kill/catch them on my own x.x; or just pray for all of them to leave me alone haha.


  1. GAH. I hate bugs, I hate them with a passion. It just makes my skin crawl when I see one and I freeze ( no I don't scream since I know that's what you're wondering)

    But I hate to see them killed too, so I usually drive Kage insane with screaming to get rid of it, then screaming not to kill it. w

    I'm just happy you didn't post any picture of it.

  2. Hahaha, way to confuse the heck out of Kage haha. Are there big cockroaches in Japan too?

    One of my Korean friends here was acting all tough and was like "Oh a cockroach, this is nothing I'll kill it" Then after seeing it and screaming was like "WHOA!! I've never seen one that big in my life...uh...good luck with that" hahah

    I actually tried really hard to take a picture of it, but most of the time it was running or crawling really fast, so couldnt get a good shot of it x.x; I got one when it was under the bed, but the picture came out way too dark x.x;

  3. J, you're such a girl! It's just a bug >_<' Here's a tip for you: Pour (literally drench the little bug) boiling/near boiling water on it, cause it kills it almost instantly. But I have to admit, I scream and run when they fly right into you. >_<' They bite you know...

    Anyway, I read your other stuffh. 1/ I hope you get your glasses soon + that they are comfortable and such... why don't you get contacts? o_O' 2/ Gee... your roommates sound very... honest with themselves and 3/ Get well soon. *pats your head* And those little lizard things? Please don't kill them because they're the ones eating the mosquitoes for you =o

    AND! Sorry for being so delayed in commenting your blogs. Anyway, Take care and have fun ^^

  4. AHHH, Jamie called me a girl!! *throws bugs at her*

    But ya, we dont have bugs like that in Canada or at least that I know of, so its creepy :O!! We're not like the dangerous Australia haha.

    Dont worry I wont kill the lizards only because they kill the misquotes. I do hate those bugs with a passion >:O!!

    And dun worry about commenting late, just comment more from now on ^^
