Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Guess where I'm going? >:D

So I found out where my outreach is going to be, it's going to be China/Japan hahaha. They said we'll be in China for the majority, but will be in Japan for a few weeks. I asked where and they said probably Tokyo heheh. It'll probably be in April-June around, so really excited ^^. Everyone please pray for me, that our group will be safe in both countries ^^.

Well Shin, I guess I'll finally get to show you that song I've been trying to send you for so long haha. I dunno how much free time (if any at all) I'll have, but you can always come to where we're going to be doing our outreach hehehe.

They actually called my name last, so I was kinda nervous if I was actually going to get into the group, but it all worked out so yay xD. Praise God ^^


  1. Hahah YES!!!

    So no matter how hard you tried you won't be able to escape in the end ww.

    I wonder where in Japan, not that it really matters, I'll be free ( to stalk) of University by then.

    That's awesome news J, you've made my day! Now back to studying.

  2. Oh I just read again and noticed Tokyo.

    Hopefully it's June coz I'll be traveling around a bit in April/ May. But even if I'm in some other part of the country I'm sure I'll be able to come see you for a day or two, I'd just rather it was when I was home tho.

  3. They said the majority will be in China, so I'll probably be in Japan in May/June around. Man, if you're in some other country when I finally go to Japan, then you for sure have to come to Canada hahah.

  4. I'll be traveling around the country, there's no way I'd miss on meeting you. ( especially because that's a lot less complicated than me having to come to Canada)

  5. Wah~That's so awesome~ Congratulations jay!
    I really hope you guys get to meet, I guess that would be ToA's first official meeting, so you guys gotta take lots and lots of photos? Right now i have no way to go to japan...albeit im scheming a plan~

  6. Thanx ^^ Ya, it'll be pretty awesome, but expensive :O! People said Tokyo is twice as expensive as America, and if that's true, I'll be scheming to steal Shin's credit card haha jk jks.

    Too bad we're going there last tho ><; right when all my money runs out :O!! I've gotta eat sushi in Tokyo tho >:D

  7. Haha, no worries J, since it's my home when we do meet, food's on me
    (didn't you want to hear/ read that since forever? w)

    I have the slight feeling I'll be broke after meeting you twice.

    Hmm, first official ToA meeting, that's right, I'll make a ToA shirt, just for that w

  8. Oh man, that's like music to my ears. What a sweet melody "food's on me" makes me almost cry with joy hahaha.

    Well the easiest way not to spend too much money is to just go to an all you can eat restaurant and then try not to throw up after watching me eat haha.
