Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Few Random Blessings

Well I just wanted to write about some random blessings that have happened to me here in Hawaii. I see them as blessings, but you guys can see it however you like ^^.

Well the first and most important to me of course, is the fact that I couldn't bring a guitar here to Hawaii. I was thinking back at home "GAH, I'm going to totally suck at guitar when I get back and am going to go through total guitar withdrawal x.x;" I was kinda just praying inside that God would send me a roommate that plays guitar so I could play it every now and then.
On the 2nd day, one of our roommates came in with a guitar and I was thinking "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord" kinda thing hehe. We talked and he's actually a singer/songwriter which was really cool and he's really good at guitar. on the 3rd/4th day, another guy came in and he had a guitar and if that's not good enough, this guy doesn't really play and is ok with me playing it whenever. I was thinking "Ah, God, you're too good to me xD" haha.

Another thing is that Ive met a lot of songwriters/guitarists/and even a producer here :O . I didn't really expect to see so many talented people, so its pretty awesome to me xD. I've jammed with a few guitarists (me playing my stuff while they play overtop of it) and so far everyone's liked my rhythms which kinda surprised me haha. I guess I never think they're good enough or something >.>; Dang my perfectionism with my songs x.x;

Well another thing was that I brought an old Bible here that's the King James version (written in old english) which is hard to understand. I just kinda prayed inside that God would provide me with a Bible here. On the 4th day around, I met a super nice korean guy and we hung out over the weekend a lot. I told him about the Bible I brought and he gave me his extra copy that's all in english, so again I was like "Yay God xD You always provide for me ^^."
So lucky cuz we have intense bible reading stuff here. For the first week, we have to read all of the book of Genesis which is 50 chapters long @.@; but I finished it all after the 2nd/3rd day of classes xD.

Last blessing Imma write about is when we had to do community evangelism. This is when you go out into the community and tell random people about God and such. I was never really a fan of this cuz it just seems so impersonal and I dunno. I was really nervous cuz I've never done anything like this before, so before we went, I prayed that God would lead me into the right group for me with someone in there that knew what he was doing.
After I was done praying, these 2 older white guys came up to me and asked if I had a group, which I said no, so we joined and headed out. I then found out that one of them is really experienced in it and used to do it all the time in Colorado. Of course I was like "Heck ya God xD." We went into town and talked to this Ukulele player guy and the experienced guy did all the talking. It was kinda a wake up call that I might know a bunch about the Bible, but have no idea how to apply it in this kinda setting.
The guy later told me of an awesome website called that has a lot of information about how to share the gospel of Jesus to others. So I guess I gots some reading up to do xD.

Well those were the lil/big blessings I've received so far ^^ Just felt like sharing hehe.


  1. If God is indeed helping you with guitar, I might become a bit of his fan! w.

    I'm really happy to see everything works out for you, and whatever it is, that's just awesome. I admit I'd have been a bit disappointed if your guitar playing skills had to suffer because of the trip since I know that's pretty important for you, but who knows, maybe that's just a sign you're on the right track, and no matter what you eventually decide to do with your feature, signing in for this was definitely a good decision.

    I just woke up from sleeping 15! hours ( a bit on and off but yeah) so I am a lot more energetic than usually. And to top it all it's Friday.

  2. Dang, that's a new record for you :O!!! haha.

    And ya, who knows if this enlightenment will help me with my song writing xD. I just need to find a place where I can be alone so I can be creative. It takes me a lot of time to write a song I'm proud of xD.

    Talked with the producer (Candy, ya, same as Cee haha) and she said she'd send me some of her songs cuz I was really interested xD. She does it on piano, but she said they're kinda intense which is actually the style I love haha.

    Well don't go too wild :O!! cuz I have a feeling that heightened energy might lead to Kage getting pissed off hahaha jk jks. *Shin constantly texts Kage random things while he's busy*

  3. did you know that?? Psychic!

  4. hahah, well I do study psychology, I'm totally psychic now haha jk jks.
