Thursday, January 14, 2010

J is sick x.x;;

Ya, so I'm really sick today x.x; I woke up and my throat was killing me @.@;; Hurts to talk and drink water. I was fasting a bit today (my own will, not forced) so dunno if it hurts to eat yet, but I'm guessing its going to be crazy painful when I eat in 30min.

Luckily, I made a friend with a 33 year old Korean girl (or she doesnt seem that old to me haha) and she gave me 4 cold pills ^^. So hopefully I'll finally get rid of this cold (had it since I left) and get some more energy to be more of myself >.<; Ya, I'm always so low energied when I'm sick haha. I guess I'm one of those guys that, when sick, are like "Ah, I'm so poor and defenseless, pity me :O!!" haha.

Anywhos, pray that I get better ^^ or I guess to those that don't believe in a, just pray for me anyways >:D haha suckers jk jks xD. Hey, I'm sick, I'm allowed one of those hahaha.


  1. Chiken soup and green tea! Take care of yourself, don't go catching some weird virus.

    There's many ways of praying or wishing someone well and they don't all have to do with what or who you believe in.
    We say 祷る in Japanese ( inoru) which means to pray as well as to wish ( in a spiritual sense)

    So yeah, praying you'd get well soon.

  2. Thanx a lot Shin ^^ I really appreciate it xD. And sadly there's no chicken noodle soup or green tea here :O!! I know blasphemy right? haha. Or icecream for that matter hehe.
