Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cafe Time

Finally checked out the lil cafe-ish area they have around here. Played cards and that slapping game again for a few hours haha. I brought my roommate's guitar up there (hope he didn't mind >:D) and for some reason everyone said I was so good and I'm like "o.O; well this is new" haha.
Guess I'm to used to crazy good people showing off around me at places like these hehe.

Thing I thought that was cool was that I played that song I made up and everyone's liked it so far ^^; the jazzy/R&Bish one hehe. I'm working on another weird chorded song right now that's a really simple chord progression (E C#m A B) but made with messed up finger stretching chords haha. One of the guys in the pictures Imma show used to be in a band for 5 years, so he can actually tell me what my messed up chords are hehe.

Anywho, here are some pics of the cafe:

Learned a cool setting on my camera from the blonde girl Jackie in the next picture.

Again me failing at taking pictures x.x; but I thought "might as well upload a pic with me in it cuz I haven't yet" hehe. So ya, laugh away.

This is the cafe we were at~

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