Wednesday, January 27, 2010

City Outreach

So this happened the day before I got my glasses, so was still blind. We had to go out into the city and tell people about Jesus again and such, so I partnered up with 3 Korean girls and headed out into the city. When we reached there, we prayed and to myself, I asked God to bless this time and to make it into a really good learning experience for us (because I still have no clue about this kinda stuff), then we walked throughout the city.

I was mainly talking to one of the girls about life back at home and such and when we walked for like 30 min, they felt like they really wanted to talk to this guy that was sitting on a bench. I couldn't see this guy until I was like right in front of him and he was a big fully rounded and had biker gear on with his motorcycle in front of him.

One of the girls in our group started to talk to him, and we all joined in and he told us that his name was Greg and he just got laid off from his job at the rehab center nearby. I told him about how I was majoring in psychology and thought it was cool. After going back and forth for a lil while, one of the girls in our group asked him if he went to church, and he said not at this moment but he used to, but then his mom and a few relatives all died this year and he just stopped going.

I then told him that my grandpa and aunt both died last year and about how, when my aunt was on her death bed, 2 hours before she died, she saw a vision of heaven and started singing at the top of her cancer filled lungs, praises to God. She was so loud that the nurses tried to calm her down, but she wouldn't, and then she went away peacefully. After some more talking we asked if we could pray for him and he said ok, so we all prayed and I ended off praying out loud. Now, I came into Fire and fragrance cuz I heard there would be a lot of praying, and I suck at praying out loud, so I thought they would teach you.......they dont x.x; So in my opinion I totally suck at praying out loud, like Im really good when I pray by myself and have a good connection with God and such, but when it comes to praying out loud, its just blah to me.

Well after praying out loud to him, he thanked us and told us that he really needed that right then. We told him to stop by our university for some of the praise times or to say hi if we see him again and he said ok. He was a really nice man and I really hope the best for him. Today I kept remembering him and praying for him, so I hope he's able to find another job and hopefully come back to church.

It was nice cuz it really raised our spirits and was a really good learning experience for all of us. We learned a lot from it and also remembered some stuff we should of said but didn't, but there's always next time, so it's all good ^^.

We're thinking for next week, that I might bring out a guitar, and everyone might just sing praise songs. If people come up and ask us what we're doing, then we can share the gospel in that way. So a fun filled way to evangelize to people hehe. Fun Fun Times~


  1. I think it's a great thing you meat that guy and if you guys really managed to help him it would be a great start off for you.

    By the way I've been meaning to say this ever since I read this post, about Japan.

    When you guys come here, it would probably be better if you tried the approach you mentioned in this post too, with bringing guitars and singing about it, it will definitely attract a lot more attention than if you randomly try to stop people and talk to them about God.Japanese people tend to get intimidated by that kind of approach and they would just probably politely nod and run.

    You can go in places like Shibuya where there's street performers or around the Sanchome subway station - that is near Todai, if you're looking for students. Anyways, if you need help with that, feel free to ask for info - presuming it's not all decided beforehand.

  2. Ya, I'll bring it up to my leaders. There's actually a new leader coming with us, a girl (not sure what age, but older than me for sure) and she's an awesome singer. Also I found out that my other leader has played drums for over 10 years, so maybe we can do some songs on the streets xD That'd be awesome hehe.

    The girl coming with us was announced today, and I was like "Heck ya, get to do praise with her xD So cool ^^" I dunno, I love it when girls have those awesome husky voices when they sing hehe
